Bridge Over Troubled Water

Start from the beginning

Scott pulled her closer and whispered into her hair. "I'll text Mitch to watch Totes, everything is going to be alright."

"I'm going to go cancel the show." She felt Esther's hand on her back before she walked away to work the radio.

That's how Kirstie found herself sitting, wrapped up in blankets with a hot chocolate in hand in the living room of the Kaplan's at 11pm. Esther had busied herself at the kitchen table behind Kirstie, from what she could tell, she was emailing with their director and producers to explain what had happened and how they were going to refund things. Kirstie had searched Avi apartment with her eyes from the position on the couch. If she wasn't feeling down, she was sure she would be walking around and picking up things like the family portrait they had on the bookcase or would be having a closer look at one of the trophies that were on a table against the wall. Instead all she could do was look, basking in the surealness of being in his personal space and eager to take a look inside his bedroom.

"Hey Avriel." Esther's voice rang through the apartment as the door opened to reveal the man himself coming in and taking off his shoes. Avi had told her what his actually name was so she was only slightly surprised when she heard it being said out loud - it was still foreign to her to associate that name with him. She placed her mug on the table in front of her, turned around and smiled at the sight of him, reassured even by his presence even though he hadn't spotted her yet. His work uniform was too big on him and slightly dirty but the faded bruises on his neck really complimented the outfit and made her grin. He began to pull the shirt over his head and Kirstie eyes immediately dropped to his chest, checking him out. The night before she hadn't had much time to take him all in but she was quickly making up for it by ogling him from afar.

"Erm Avi?" Esther shuffled in her seat as Avi started to remove his pants. Throwing a quick glance at Kirstie, she was slightly freaked out to find her viewing her little brother like he was a cute animal in the Zoo. The slight smile that had appeared on her face at the sight of Avi did make Esther feel better at seeing the slightly intimate look she was giving him but it still weirded her out. He was her disgusting baby brother, the one who would annoy her whenever she played piano, the one who used to pull her hair just for the fun of it, the one who in her eyes was still an annoying ten year old who had never heard of getting a wash.

"Hmm." He hummed in response as he threw his uniform into the washing machine, he was so glad Esther had decided to buy one for the apartment, he never would have made it to see Kirstie in time if he had had to go somewhere else to wash his clothes.

"We have a visitor." She stuttered out as he shot upright like a pole and anxiously glanced around the apartment expecting to see Kevin or one of Esther's friends.

"It's not something I haven't already seen before." Kirstie mumbled delicately when his eyes fell on her. His face broke out into a smile as he walked towards in only his underwear but it quickly fell off of his face when he realised she wasn't there just to have a chat.

Avi nervously glanced back at his sister before moving closer to Kirstie. "What's happened? What's wrong?"

"Some jerk decided to take his anger out on Kirstie during a performance." Esther responded from the kitchen watching her brother, anticipating his response.


"Don't worry Avi, we sorted it all out," Esther flicked her eyes from her brother to his girlfriend noticing that they seemed to be dying to speak to each other, and hold each other, without her there. "I'll be in my room if you need anything." She would have made a snide remark about keeping the noise down if they decided to do anything fun but it wasn't the time and place for jokes.

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