Chapter 17: Listen to Your Heart

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Will's PoV:

I had a really bad hunch when Mr. Lee asked me to bring Joe to the ranch. And sadly, I was right. I saw the little guy exit the study with a flushed lost expression that made my chest heavy. I wanted to follow him, but then I decided not to. He saw the kiss, I saw him from the window along side Mr. Lee. This has to be a game, a filthy one as well. And I'd recognize this stench anywhere, so I waited for the person to exit the study, and grabbed him by his arm, shoving him against the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" he hissed.

I snatched the papers he was holding; it read: The NYC Art Gallery

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I asked, adjusting my glasses, "playing behind my back again, are we Ricky?"

"Its none of your business Will. Give it back." he glared in shock.

"Are you sending him off, is that it?" I questioned with amusement.

"It's Mr. Lee's wish. I'm just doing as he says."

"Yes, you'd do anything for the money, you sick bastard" I shoved the papers to his chest, gritting my teeth as I hissed, "But I'm not going to just stand here and do nothing about it."

"It's too late, the damn kid saw Caspar for what he really is, and that's a big fat liar."

"We'll see about that," I winked, before leaving him behind. I took out my phone and texted:

Me: Caspar, we need to talk!

Caspar's PoV:

I closed the line, hating the fact that I was lying to Joe; I glanced at Gabby then, who had a confused look on her face. So I smiled,


"Are...are you in a relationship?" she questioned.

"Oh, yeah I am. Please don't tell Dad I told you though; he really wants us to be an item. But I'm going to be honest with you, I'm really not interested."

She blinked a few times," I knew that your parents were setting us up, but I didn't dislike the idea of it." She then gulped, glaring at me with suspicion, " you didn't even kiss me back. Do you love her that much?"

"I love him, actually." Her face didn't change one bit, which took me by surprise.

Instead, she took my hand in hers, so I continued "but my father doesn't want a gay son. He wants me to start a family and take over, or what not. So I decided to go with this just so he wouldn't hurt him."

She nodded her head in an understanding motion, "I'm sorry that I kissed you. I didn't know. But I totally understand what you're coming from; it is not easy to be the only heir to this empire. I should know, for my brother and I are facing the same pressure."

"Thanks, Gabby." I smiled. She was really a nice girl. I misjudged her.

"What is he like?" she wondered, batting her eyelashes at me.

"He's...he's just Joe. My sun in a cloudy day, my moon in a dark night. My safe haven, I just love him so much...I can't even put it in words" I described, and then trailed off, remembering his gorgeous blue eyes and his wonderful smile.

Gosh, I'm crazy about him.

She giggled as a reaction, and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"So," she continued, sighing," I guess this matchmaking failed miserably."

"What are we going to do? "I questioned.

She tapped my hand a few times before letting it go," I'll tell them that I didn't like you. That I want to find someone else."

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