Chapter 12: What Are We?

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Third person's Pov:

"Sir, The person you asked me to keep an eye on just asked for his car keys. He is leaving with a short brunnte guy." The valet spoke into his phone with a hushed tone.

"Ooooh. Ok, thank you. You'll get your tip later."

"No problem sir," Click.

Ricky moved and whispered to Robert Lee, "Sir, Caspar has just left with him,"

The older man tilted his head slightly, and smiled, " very well Ricky. On with the rest of the plan, eh?"

"Of course Sir, don't worry about a thing."

Robert smirked, " My son is a complete idiot. It's about time to make him into an honest man." He then eyed an old posh man across the room walking with his daughter. Robert gestured for Ricky to leave his side, and walked towards his target with a determined smile.

The older man smiled at him, "Robert, its nice seeing you here. I haven't seen you in a long time. How do you do?" He began.

"The same must be said to you, my old friend. I'm doing rather well," He smiled, baring his wrinkles. "We should have some tea together, perhaps later in the weekend in my grape ranch, after the charismas dinner?" Robert suggested.

"Why yes, of course," the old man exclaimed, "I'll be happy to."

"Excellent," Robert nodded his head, and shifted his gaze to the young beautiful woman standing beside her father, "and maybe bring the family with you? What was your name again dear?"

"Gabriella," the blonde smiled, exposing her white shimmering teeth.

"Ah, of course. Such a marvelous daughter you have here, James." He complimented, while James laughed a bit and Gabriella smiled shyly.

"Where is your son though? Gabby here did not stop requesting to see him. I tell you, kids these days are rather handful." He complained, teasing his daughter who eyed him warningly. He was clearly embarrassing her.

"Really?" Robert smiled, "well he just left, dear. Maybe you could see him later this weekend? You kids will get to know each other more and you would stop bothering your father here so much," he chuckled.

"I most certainly will attend then, "she smiled shyly, as her father coughed, "not setting up my daughter with your son in front of me, are you Lee?"

Robert laughed, throwing his head back, and then said, "Who knows?" he then added, " Well, it was nice chatting up with you both, but I must be on my way now."

"Sure Robert," James said, while his daughter nodded respectfully.

Robert walked away graciously, and gestured for Will to come to him, "Yes sir?" he questioned.

"Call the ranch, and tell them to be prepared for guests this weekend," he demanded.

"Are you having a meeting, Sir?"

"Yes, a very important one as well," he smiled faintly, and then added, "inform Caspar as well, tell him to bring along his little friend too." Will nodded, when Robert suddenly said, "Or better yet, don't. I will inform his friend myself, when the time comes."

"As you wish, Sir." Will said, before picking his phone up and started calling.

Joe's Pov:

I woke up with the tingles of Caspar's breath near my face, his arms brushing over my hip, as his legs tangled over my own. And I smiled. I never smile in the mornings, but I couldn't help it with the sight of his sleeping pure face. I then started to lightly blush at the memory of yesterday, and the way he touched me. I decided to move quietly, freeing myself from his warmth and getting exposed to the coldness as I was only in my boxers. London was cold, and snow was expected to fall soon as charismas time is right around the corner. Which reminded me of Zoe, and how worried she must be about me not telling her yesterday that I have left. I must have left my phone in my sweatpants' pocket yesterday.

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