Chapter 1: Oops, sorry!

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Caspar's PoV:

I stepped into a dirty puddle of water, and splashed some of that substance all over my Italian shoes. Yes, they're expensive. It has been raining for almost two hours straight in London, and it finally stopped as I reached the tube station. I didn't care about my shoes, I didn't care about my clothes, and I didn't care about where this tube was taking me. All I wanted was a breath of fresh air, air that doesn't smell like caviar, fancy wines, and flaming cigarettes. Yes, that's how my so called " home" smelled like all the time as I grew up till now. I sat down, laying my head on the cold glass. I placed my headphones on and began recalling the fight I had with my father this morning.

I'm 21 years old, with charming looks as some magazines write, eldest and only son of a the filthy rich business man Robert Lee. You'd think I have everything at my grip, anything that I want would be there with one phone call and one command. But no. Not since this morning when the tabloids decided that I was gay, or as the headline said:

" Caspar Richerd Lee, son of a well known business man, implying unusual behaviour with a male friend as they get wild in a nightclub"

Third person PoV :

"CASPAR RICHARD LEE, HOW DARE YOU STAIN MY NAME!" Robert shouted, banging his hands on the fine dinning room wooden table, making their plates shiver. Casper gave him a faint glance, and shrugged.

"Calm down, dad. It's just the tabloids, you know how they love a juicy story to fill their sorry pockets with money." Theodora, his older sister, said calmly.

"Yes honey, and your blood pressure isn't doing good these days. Please." His wife Emily said, gesturing for him to sit down.

" HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO STAY CALM," he threw the paper across the table, that slipped from the edge and fell on the floor with a thud." YOUR BRILLIANT SON IS ON THE COVER OF EVERY TABLOID PAPER IN THE COUNTRY, GETTING COSY WITH A GUY IN A CLUB! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS." His face flushed a burning red. Caspar flinched, but none of them uttered a word. Robert grabbed his tie, and loosened it a bit to get some air in. He glared at his son, who was ignoring him and biting on his toast and jam. " WHY ARENT YOU SAYING ANYTHING, EXPLAIN YOURSELF YOU RODNY!"

Caspar snapped his head up, putting his toast down. "what do you want me to say, dad? It was a fun night, we got drunk and danced. It wasn't a big deal."

His dad approached him now, Theodora and Emily watching with worried eyes. Caspar got up from his chair and they both met chest to chest, with a few inches a part. " you're my only fucking son. If you think that this isn't a big deal, then you might as well leave this fucking household for good. I didn't build all of this to have you, a little spoild brat, ruin what I and your grand dad have built." Robert said through gritted teeth, pocking his son's chest. "Now prepare for a press conference tomorrow, at 10:00 am sharp. We have to clear your trashy behaviour, as usual."

Caspar snorted, rolling his eyes. He was about to say something, when he suddenly earned a hard smack across his right cheek. He was paralysed for a moment, as his mother gasped and got in between them both, separating Robert and calming him down. Theodora grabbed Caspar by his arm, but he quickly yanked it away and stormed out of the dining room, hearing his father yell behind him " UNMANNERED PIECE OF SHIT, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT EMILY. YOU SPOILD HIM."
He pushed through the gates, his puls throbbing through his ears. His head hurt, and his chest felt tight. His stomach twisted, asking permission to throw the food it carries up. Caspar gestured for the servants to leave him alone as he saw them run up to him. He won't be taking his car out today.

He roamed around the streets of London, the weather cloning his feelings as it was dark and predicting a storm. Now, here he was after hours and hours of aimlessly wondering around. Listening to music, and heading to nowhere in particular.

Caspar's PoV:

The tube suddenly made a stop, pulling me back to reality. That didn't faze me though. When it started moving, however, someone suddenly lost his balance and fell on my lap clumsily.

I jumped slightly, and looked down at the thing that fell on me. I was met by a guy with blue gorgeous eyes, and lips that mumbled words I couldn't quiet hear. I figured it was because of the loud music, so I took off my headphones lazily. The person's voice was audible now, but slightly covered with the scattered chatters in the tube.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" I said, tilting my head in confusion.

The mini brunette chuckled as he blanced his way up to his feet again, looking down at me "I said: oops, I'm sorry."


So, what do you think guys? Should I compete this, or am I just wasting your time?

Comment if you want! I seriously love receiving feedback. Vote too, I like stars. Ok I'm weird. Until next time, see ya.

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