Chapter 14: I'm Hurting Him?

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Joe's PoV:

I have just exited the tube with Zoe. We were both dressed as fancily as possible for the party, which was an hour from now. Caspar still has no clue that we are attending, which made me all giggly and nervous at how he was going to react. We made a quick stop to my apartment though, Zoe was staying the nigh after all. She wanted to leave her bag of clothes there. Zoe also helped me out with wrapping up Caspar's present.

"So when are you giving it to him?" Zoe said, putting the final touches on the now wrapped up painting.

"After we leave the party for our little date," I blushed, "he'll probably drive me home and only then will I give it to him."

Zoe squealed," That is so cute Joe! Hope you have fun."

I smiled," I just hope he likes it and doesn't think that I'm lame for giving this to him."I jerked my face towards the wrapped up painting.

Zoe patted my shoulder, "he wont Broseph, you worry too much!"

"Okay, "I smiled again looking at her, "we should  get going though, the party starts in like 45 minutes."

"Oh right," she blurted," lets not waste anymore time then. Lets leave" she held on to the envelopes, and placed them in her clutch.

We quickly exited my apartment, locking it behind us as I gave her the spare key just in case. Zoe and I then caught the elevator and made our way out from the building to the taxi we called up earlier. I was so nervous that my heart was going to burst from my ribcage.

What if Caspar doesn't like this surprise?

Caspar's PoV:

I was  right outside the main hall of the Christmas dinner party, calling up the restaurant I was going to have my first ever date with Joe in to tonight. I was making sure that everything was well and prepared. Thank god, everything was perfect so far.

"okay thank you, expect us at 10:15. Goodbye!" Click.

"Expect you and who, exactly?"

Ugh. Just great.

I turned around, and saw my father looking at me with a faint smile.

Will nodded his head, he was standing beside him.

"You have a date tonight?" my father added.

"It's none of your business, "I hissed.

He suddenly took a step forward, "talk properly to your elders, boy." He poked my chest.

"The only elder I would talk properly to is my dead granddad and my mother." I snickered, "I have not enough respect, if ever, for you."


He hit me across my face, which paralyzed my cheek as I placed my hand on it to cool it down. It hurt so much, but I wasn't going to show him my weakness.

No, I'm not crying in front of him.

"How dare you," he growled, stepping closer as I stepped back, a snort escaping me.

He was about to hit me again, when Will got in-between us, "Sir, please calm down. If the guests see you like this it won't be a good image to the company."He reasoned.

My father adjusted his suit, and coughed," it's this little brat, I tell you. I'm losing it because of him and his stupid ill mind."

"I have your genes after all, dad. Maybe that's why I'm so fucked up," I breathed, holding back my tears.

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