Chapter 3: Pervert

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Caspar's PoV:

"No harm done," I said flatly to the mini brunette. To be completely honest, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, let alone a commoner stranger.
I stared at the window again, thinking about my latest stunt. It's not like I meant to have my picture taken when I was in that position. Hugging your friends while you're drunk shouldn't be a crime nor a sin. Why is it so frowned upon? So I'm a bit affectionate towards my friends, is that so bad? Honestly, fuck the press. My rope of thoughts, however, was cut by this mini "thing" that fell on my lap earlier as he spoke these words.
" didn't I see him somewhere?"

I frowned at the window, and looked his way with a fake composed face us rich people pull all the time. "This morning's paper" his face turned a light shade of pink, and I felt a bit weird. Truth is, he wasn't a bad sight to look at. Wait, what?

" Did I say that-"

I cut him off mid way, " uh-huh" as I rested my chin on my right palm, which I was supporting with my thigh. The guy was nervous, he quickly darted his eyes and glued them to the floor. At that moment, I felt that strange feeling again. It was as if someone was looking at our direction. I scanned the people standing and sitting behind the mini stranger, and bingo. I spotted my target. He was staring at the guy I was just talking with, his eyes dark and filled with...may I say lust? I shivered, and felt disgusted. I quickly looked at the empty seat beside me, and back at the brunette, " sit" I blurted.

He looked down at me with amusement, " me?" Pointing his thin index finger at his own face.

I looked around, pretending to search for someone, when in reality I was taking a quick glance at the pervert sitting not that far from us, and replied sarcastically "yeah I guess I'm talking to you. This seat is empty, why stand up?"

The blue eyed boy sat beside me quietly. I turned to face the glassy window once again, drowning in my thoughts. Well I would've, if only this person would let me.

" I'm Joe." He said innocently as I watched his reflection, " Joe sugg."

" Mhm," I replied in a bored tone. I really meant what I said before about not wanting to talk. This guy was really pushing it, probably too thrilled to actually meet a celebrity. I noticed though, that when he pointed his finger that it was slightly stained with blue and purple. So I decided to ask him about that, without sounding too curious.
" tell me Joe," I started, still looking at his faint reflection, "are you a painter?"

He gasped, commoners are easily empressed." Wow, how did you know?"

" Your fingertips, they're still stained with colours." I was still not looking at him directly. I know it was rude, but I'm not following any posh rules right now. I'm sick of it. What he said next though, made me break that rule and turn to him with amusement.

" And you must be a really fancy mine digger then." Joe said excitedly. He was just like a little kid. The mini stranger is probably still in high school for all I know. Shit, now I have no choice but to protect him from that pedo. Wait, of course I have a choice. Ugh, why am I like this?

"Why would you say that?" I blurted, still holding my amused look.

He pointed his index in the air and said, " you are wearing smart clothes, yet your shoes are really stained and you don't seem to mind." His words took me by surprise, and I couldn't help but suppress a chuckle. Really, what the hell is a fancy mine digger?

" You're a funny guy," I found myself saying, " but I'm not."

The tube stopped right when I ended my sentence, we apperantly reached Brighton. I looked at my watch, it was 12:00 am. The press conference is in 10 hours.

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