Chapter 6: Small World

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Caspar's PoV:

I parked my Porsche outside the small coffee house. The parking spots were surprisingly empty, must be a slow day for them. Hey, I'm not saying that's a bad thing. The sooner I get my coffee and chat with the waiter, the better my day will be. When I got out of the car, though, my phone buzzed. I looked at the caller ID, and frowned. It was my dad. I decided to ignore him, and placed my phone on silent mood. I quickly shoved my phone inside my jean's pocket, and walked through the Coffee shop. The theme of the shop was all cute and cartoonish like. The muggs were freakishly large and had polka dots, stripes, or silly cats. Dan & Phil's was a fun place indeed. It's not what I normally go for, but it's just really comfy over here. I don't run into my upper class friends, so it's really about quality time whith myself. I take my normal seat infront of the barista, which my waiter friend told me he would soon be promoted to be one himself. A girl approached me from behind the counter, her name tag read the name Hanna. She was a ginger head, and had few freckles scattered above her nose and under her eyes, which were the colour of honey. She beamed at me, " Hello Caspar, the usual I presume?"

I smiled, "Yes please. Could you also call-"

"Of course," she cut me off smiling, and turned around to tell the current barista my order. Next, she opened the door leading to what I believe to be the staff room. I sighed, watching my magical drink being made infront of me, not paying attention to Hannah who stopped in her place. Suddenly, I heard her say, " sorry to intrupt you guys..." And I turned to face her. Her cheeks turned slightly red. I looked at her questionably. What did she just witness?

"Is Oli okay?" I asked her, as I was about to get up from my place. Instead of her answering, Oli popped his head out and said, " perfectly fine. Hey Caspar, long time no see!" As he walked towards me.
I smiled at him, extending my hand. But not for long. My hand dropped down in seconds, as I stared at the person walking out after him in disbelief.

" Ca-Caspar?" he stuttered as his blue eyes widened. His cheeks had that pink tone to it. But this time, it was there before he even saw me. Irritation. I felt a sudden irritation go through my body.

Joe's PoV:

"Oh come on Oli," I said with a laugh, " eating a cactus wasn't that bad was it."

"Shut up, Joe." He shouted, gulping some water, and cursing. His face was flushed, "I'm never playing with you that blimming game again."

"But odds on is my favourite game ever," I pouted jokingly, " you're not being a good friend this way."

"Says the person who went outside to fetch a cactus and asked me to eat it!" He said inbetween gulps. I continued laughing.

He suddenly stopped drinking, shifting his eyes from the half empty bottle of water to me. I backed up a bit, my eyes focusing on his hand that held the bottle. I knew what was about to happen next.

Oli stood up, and charged towards me. I ran in circles, jumping across the chairs and crawling under the table. But for some reason, he ended up cornring me. I pushed him back, and tried to catch the bottle of water from his hand, but I couldn't. Damn it. The idiot wanted to get me wet ( no pun intended I swear) and I was not about to let that happen. Oli managed to grab both of my wrists in one hand, putting them above my head as he pushed me against the wall. I gasped and squirmed to get free, but there was no use.

" OLI LET GO! I SWEAR IF YOU POUR THAT WATER ON ME IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I shouted, still trying to free myself.

His face got closer and closer to mine, " you look so funny when you're angry, Joe."

My heart raced fast, as I felt my cheeks heat up. No, I didn't want this. Please Oli, get away. I started to openmy mouth to tell him off, But thankfully at that moment, the door to the staff room was opened and in walked Hannah.

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