42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies

Start from the beginning

Which made me need to think.

Everything has happened so fast yet so slow...

I need to walk it out instead.

I slipped on Jace's navy blue hooded jacket, inhaling his scent. Now I know why he always smells my pillows. I smile to myself, tightening it around my torso and slipping on my sneakers.

Crawling out of the tent, I stood back to my feet gazing at the camp site. Everyone was fast asleep, drenched from our events from yesterday.


I frowned zipping up the jacket and walking off into the woods.

My head felt fuzzy, memories of yesterday were all over the place. I remember the lake and the mattresses and getting bitten by that insect, as well as just before I slept I felt high and was randomly saying things to Jace. But what happened between then?

I walked over through the trees, not bothering to go on a path. My caramel hair clung to me on the sides of my face in place, giving me a good view to walk.

I tried thinking intently; the medication definitely made me hay-wire. But it couldn't have done anything else? Like memory loss?

"Cookie cake!" I stare giddily at Dustin's homemade cake. He had talent in cooking too! That's so amazeberries.

"Indeed, would you like some?" Dustin smiled softly, sitting beside me in front of the far lake on top of a rock. After my incident I was told to sit and rest but I wanted to walk around, which led me to... somewhere else. I'm so rebellious, I thought to myself.

"Skye, the medicine is really getting to you. Or was it the bite?" Dustin asked worriedly. Luckily Dustin was following me making sure I was okay, not sure where the others are. Maybe my boyyffrrriieenndd Jace is getting me something to cheer me up, and maybe Brookie is still stuck in water, and maybe everyone else turned into faeries, goblins and vampires.

"Everyone didn't turn into faeries, goblins and vampires." Dustin laughs, shaking his head. Did I say my thoughts out loud? Oop.

"Maybe... they... became millionaires!" I laughed in return, nodding my head with a large toothy smile. "And they are going to the cookie factory! To buy me the whole thing!" I stared at him in shock, my two hands on my cheeks resembling the Home Alone face.

I blinked my eyes at the memory. Well that helped, kinda. Not sure where I was walking, I just followed wherever my steps took me. Okay so I was with Dustin... then where were the others? And what happened? I stared around the light filled woods, light green sprang out everywhere growing overhead.

"This is delicious!" I murmur, eating greedily at the cookie cake. "Like so so amazeberries... uhhh." I moan, grinning devilishly.

"Glad you like it haha, okay honestly... it wasn't me, it was my aunty who made it." Dustin sighed, throwing his hands up in defeat. "I can never reach that extent of food talent."

I laughed out loud accidentally spitting out cookie bits, oop. "Ooh my bad, but hahaha I might hire your aunt to be my own professional cook!" I raise my brows, sneering.

"Sure go for it, might get to see you more." He smiled lingering his eyes on me. I didn't pay much attention, my face was stuffed in the cake. "So congratulations on you and Jace..."

My head leant up and an immediate smile formed on my lips, even Jace's name instantly makes me weak. "Thankyou! Hehe."

Well shit... I was a bish. I thought out, walking past a large oak tree. I sighed walking around it finding the big rock from yesterday. It was light grey and somewhat glittery from all the tiny stones. I squint inspecting it, leaning down I sat cross legged and looked over the lake that stood as gorgeous as yesterday.

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