"Because we're the bestest!" They answer at the same time.

"Yes you're the bestest. Now get off." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Okay." They say, each getting off and offering me a hand.

I know exactly what they're planning on doing, so I grab each of their hands, and pull them down before they can pull me up halfway and shove me back to the ground. I stand up and run out of their reach. I'm about to go through the portrait hole with Lani and McKenna, when I see Harry, Ron and Hermione approach the twins. I stop and watch them whispering to each other. Eventually the twins look at me with puzzled expressions. Great, now two of my best friends are probably convinced that I'm working for Lord Voldemort thanks to those prats.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I turn and leave the common room with Lani and McKenna.

"What's wrong?" Lani asks.

"Nothing." I lie.

"You're lying. But you don't have to tell us if you don't want to." Lani says, seeing right through me.

"Thanks." I sigh.

When we reach the great hall, we sit far away from "the golden trio" ,aka the prats that are turning my friends against me one by one, at my request. Fred and George sit across from us when they finally come down to the great hall.

"So, what did the golden trio tell you?" I ask, annoyed.

"Nothing important." Fred says, looking down at his food.

"That's what I thought." I say, turning towards Lani and McKenna now, "I'm not hungry, I'm going to go get ready for classes."

I stand and leave the great hall, Fred and George chasing after me.

"Wait, Nessa!" George calls after me. I stop walking and turn to them.

"Don't try to explain, I already know what they told you. I'm working for Voldemort right?" I say loudly. They wince at his name, "Oh get over yourselves, it's just a name."

"Sorry. Wait, if you already knew, why did you ask?" Fred asks.

"To see if you would tell me like a good friend, who doesn't believe rumors that are based off someone's headache. You obviously believe them." I spit.

"We don't believe a word! We just didn't want you to be upset." George says.

"Good job then." I say, and with that, I turn and continue walking away from them.



"Good job then." Vanessa turns and stalks off towards the fat lady.

"What did you do to her?" A girl says from behind us. Fred and I turn around to see Lani and McKenna watching us.

"Nothing! She's mad because Harry, Hermione, and our git of a brother tried to convince us that she's bad news because she makes Harry's scar hurt, and we didn't tell her because we didn't want her to be upset about it because it's a load of dung." I say defensively.

"But the thing is, she already knew and was trying to test us, and we didn't know." Fred says, taking the words out of my mouth.

Lani and McKenna glare at us for a while.

"She was obviously testing you, you should have known that. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go beat up your brother." McKenna says, her eyes sparkling- wait what?

"Can we help?" Freddie and I ask at the same time, our eyes lighting up.

"No." Lani says before leaving with McKenna.



After a day full of classes, I've calmed down a bit. I think to myself about what I will say to Fred and George as I'm walking to the great hall for dinner. When I sit down next to them at the Gryffindor table, I immediately apologize.

"I'm sorry guys, it's just really annoying that people who I thought were my friends think that I'm somehow associated with... you-know-who." I say, not saying the name for fear of people freaking out.

"It's fine it's probably stressful." Fred says

"Yeah. Speaking of stressful, we have detention again tonight." I say

"Yes, McGonagall asked for us tonight though, thank heavens." George says.

"I'll take her over Fitch any d-" At this moment, Harry, Ron, and Hermione sit down across from us, and I stop talking.

There's an awkward silence for a while, so I turn my attention to my food.

"So, Vanessa... murdered anyone lately?" Ron asks as I'm taking a bite of salad.

I drop my fork and choke on the food that's halfway down my throat. I take a few moments to catch my breath and take in his words, in this time, Fred slaps his younger brother upside the head.

"I can't believe you would think that when I've known you for four years!" I say when I can breathe again.

"Well... We did know Quirrel for two years, and he was hiding you-know- who under his turban." George points out.

"You're not helping." I say while elbowing him under the table.

"Sorry" he mutters

"Well if you're not working with him, then explain to me why my scar hurts whenever you're around." Harry pipes up.

"Okay, I'll explain. You are always complaining that your scar hurts, so either, the boy who lived is the boy who lied or you just get frequent headaches and you think Voldemort is communicating with you." I say. Harry is the only one who doesn't wince when I say the Dark Lord's name.

"I'm not lying, and I know I'm not just having headaches, but it doesn't really matter. I've been talking to Dumbledore about how my scar hurts whenever you're around, and he says he'll need to talk to you soon, just so you know." Harry answers calmly.

"Well when that happens, I'll be sure to tell him that I'm a deatheater, and that you knew it all along." I say extremely sarcastically. After that, I stand and leave the great hall. I'm almost to the door, when I hear Ron say 'we told you'. Doesn't he know what sarcasm is?

I go back to the common room for a few minutes before I have to go to detention. I leave the common room when dinner is over and head to McGonagall's classroom, the boys get there a few minutes after me.

"Alright. You each have an hour detention tonight. Mr. Weasley..." McGonagall starts but is cut off by the twins.

"Yes?" They say at the same time.

"Mr. Fred Weasley, you will be cleaning blackboard and erasers, and Miss. Redwood and the other Mr. Weasley will be sorting files for me." McGonagall continues, unamused.


After a long hour of going through and sorting files, without magic, our detention is finally over for today. We walk back to the Gryffindor common room together. This time, I manage to stay awake, though I am very tired. When we get there, we each go to our respected dorms. I take a quick shower and change into some pajamas before climbing into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.

AN: Here it is! New chapter, I hope you like it. From now on, I will try to update every Wednesday.

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