Fake Smile

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Hey guys!! Just wanted to thank you for giving me 100 reads on the first chapter! I've updated this chapter as well so enjoy!!

Sakura's POV

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Once again I wake up to a freezing cold bucket of water over my head. At this rate I'll catch a permanent cold, why does my mum have to work so early in the morning? I'm stuck with my Dad all morning, I swear he never looks at me or speaks to me, if I knew any better I'd say he's ignored me ever since I was born but most my memories are gone from them. No one tells me what happened though, so I try to forget about the subject by being friendly with everyone, however, no matter how much I do, I always come home to depression and I'm reminded of it. Mum talks to me, she's very open towards me, she'll always ask how school was and if Dad was being fair. Whenever she did though, I feel a threatening glare in my direction from Dad, as if he was saying, Tell her anything about me and your life will be Hell.

I lazily got out of bed and took a quick shower, "How to dress today..." I muttered to myself. I stood there pondering my outfit until I ended up picking a pair of black high-waist jeans and a red crop top, my hair fluttered down to my feet as I loosely tied the bottom and tucked it underneath the rest of my hair to make it look shoulder length. I slid down the staircase and giggled to myself at the bottom, I didn't greet my Father, last time I did that he yelled in my face saying not to speak to him when he's 'busy', pfft he's just hiding a 'magazine' beneath his newspaper. I grabbed a piece of toast and splattered some some jam on it. I rushed out the door with my toast in my mouth and began to chew a few meters from my house.

I put on a fake smile and began to put a bounce in my step as I saw the school gates. Immediately, everyone seemed to huddle around me, I really wanted to get out of there but there was no escape. I greeted everyone until someone grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the group. I subtly checked my hair to see if it had been released. Thank goodness. I glanced up and saw Ino, I playfully smirked, "Hey Ino-pig!" She saw my smirk and responded, "Hey Billboard-Brow!" I absolutely hated that name so I gave her my best death glare as she was doing the same, we both looked into each other's eyes and burst out laughing. We began to head to first lesson: Genjustsu with Kakashi-Sensei. I burst into class just to make sure I was there before Ino, only to tick her off, she's funny when she's mad. The bell rang and we sat in our registered seats, I was next to Sasuke Uchiha, I always heard the complaining of gossip girls saying they should be with Sasuke. To be honest, I didn't care, as long as everyone was happy at school, I was happy.

Sasuke's POV


As usual I was strolling into class along with Naruto, as the bell rang and he jumped on my head like some sort of monkey. "Dobe get off of me before I break your," I jokingly say. He lets me go and pats me on the back, " Catch ya later Teme!" He gave me that goofy grin he always has on before he heads to his seat when I do the same. I look to the girl i sit next to, Sakura Haruno, it seems she hasn't realized my presence yet. Why does she look so...sad? I feel like I could touch her and she would break immediately, what happened? "Um good morning..." I figured a greeting from me would cheer up and it seemed to have made her snap back to reality, her gorgeous emerald eyes looked in my direction and she smiled saying, " Good morning!" That smile still looks sad and forced...

I sat down and glanced over at her, she was writing whilst Kakashi-sensei spoke, that's a bit weird, he hasn't asked up to take notes. I couldn't help but constantly glance over at her but every time I could just imagine that look of sadness and betrayal on her face. Did she have a fight with Ino? Kakashi-sensei spoke, "Now to see who's been paying attention, I payed some attention but Sakura didn't and it seemed as if Kakashi-sensei knew she didn't. "Sakura, would you like to name the tailed beasts from one to nine?" I took a peek at Sakura but I didn't see a hint of panic or confusion. "OK Kakashi-Sensei, One tail is Shukaku, Two tail is Matatabi, Three tails is Isobu, Four tails is Son Goku, Five tails is Kokuo, Six tails is Saiken, Seven tails is Chomei, Eight tails is Gyuki and the Nine tails is Kuruma," I gazed at her in amazement. How could she possibly know that?! She was doodling in her notebook the whole time! Kakashi-sensei seemed to have been shocked as well, ha seeing him like this is hilarious.

The bell finally rung and I turned to Sakura, " Hey, umm, before I sat down you umm had this sad look on your face and I was wondering if you were alright. If you need some one to talk to, I'm here." She looked astonished at my words for some reason, is it really that rare for me speak?

Sakura's POV


I didn't know how to respond, Sasuke just tried to comfort me, a rare event but... I don't want people to interfere with my life and my daddy issues. Plus, how long was he standing there to see my face?! "Also, how did you know the answer to Kakashi's question? You were looking down the whole time!" My eyes opened in surprise. Why does he have to be so observant?! "I erm, I looked up every now and then," I said trying to not to sound like I lied, to be honest, I didn't know the answers, the answers just seem to come out like I'd known them all my life. Sasuke looked at me in a weird way before nodding in satisfaction with my answer, just as he opened his mouth so speak a loud voice rung through my ears, "Come on Teme! We have to make the most of the 5 minute break!" It was his friend with blinding yellow hair, not blonde, yellow! He tossed his arm around Sasuke and he saw me. He gave a goofy-looking smile, almost cute and I couldn't help but giggle at the look of Sasuke and his friend being so close. I think his name's Naruto... "See you later Naruto!" I said with a smile, for some reason he blushed and I was sure I saw a slight hint of red in Sasuke's cheeks as well.

The rest of the lessons went by quickly whilst I wrote my song in my notebook, I went to the dining hall and looked for people sitting by them self, my eye caught a boy sitting alone with black hair, I went over to him and asked if I could sit down. To my surprise it was Sasuke. "Where's Naruto? Shouldn't he be with you?" I asked curiously since I always saw them together. He looked down at his food and playfully said, "You know, he got detention again," I couldn't help but imagine Naruto in detention and how he got there. "Is he really that bad?" I jokingly said. Sasuke nodded. Our conversation was running smoothly before I spotted Naruto coming over with a group of people who I assumed to be his friends. Sasuke asked why I sat with him, and I already knew my answer, "Everyone needs a person to talk to so if you ever feel lonely come talk to me!" I smiled, "Looks like your friends are coming over, I'd best take my leave!" I packed up my lunch and left the table to head to the roof. I glance back and I see Sasuke's friends laughing and Sasuke slightly smiling, I couldn't help but smile as well but then Sasuke met my eyes and I turned around immediately hiding my face. I must have looked like some creep, I sped up and didn't look back.

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