Boy/Friend? (chap. 15)

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Sorry for uploading until now. I’ll be uploading more often now. Well hope you like it .



Daniel’s P.O.V.

“We need to talk about your son then,” she tells me.


Chapter 15:

Daniel’s P.O.V.

She can’t be serious. I cannot have a son. That’s not possible. It just can’t be true. She has to be lying.

“Don’t give me that look Daniel.” Pamela says. I look at her trying to find a sign in her face showing she’s lying to me.

You are lying,” I tell her. She puts her head down to the side and looks at my eyes.

“I am not lying. I would not lie about something this serious.”

“Where is this so called baby then huh?” I ask her. I know she’s lying. She has to be.

“Daniel put the time together? I was gone for a year in a half and now I’m back. Now why do you think my old man kicked me out?” This can’t be true, and I cannot have a son.

“Doesn’t prove anything. Where is he if it’s true huh?” I ask her. I’m going to ask until she tells me she’s lying.

“You want to see him? Come with me,” Pamela says to me taking my hand making me get up. I take my hand away from hers.

“What are you doing?” I ask crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“You think I’m lying to you but I’m not. I’m going to show you our son. He’s staying with one of my friend’s mother’s house.”

“Stop lying dammit! You expect me to believe we have a son?” I yell at her.

“I’m not lying to you! Just come with me. You’ll see the truth.” I can’t believe her. I just can’t.

“I’ll go with you but doesn’t mean I believe you,” I tell her. Cause truth be told I do not believe her.

“You’ll see I’m not lying Daniel, you’ll see,” she tells me. Oh how I wish those words coming out of her mouth didn’t sound so true.

As I follow her downstairs my dad notices us coming downstairs.

“Where are you going?” my dad asks me from the living couch as he sees me and Pamela.

“He’s going with me to a friends house Mr. Jackson. Don’t worry I’ll watch him,” she tells my dad.

“Okay don’t stay out late. You have school tomorrow Daniel,” he tells me. I know he’s pissed after the whole ditching thing. It sure sounds like it.

“Yeah yeah,” I say then follow Pamela to my car.

“I’ll drive. Give me your keys,” she tells me. Is she kidding me? Like if I’m really going to let her drive my car.

“No, I’ll drive. Just tell me where this so called kid is,” I tell her rudely.

“You can stop acting like that. This so called kid is your son,” she tells me sounding kind of hurt. I don’t believe it though. I know she’s just faking it.

“Whatever,” I tell her then start the car. “What way do I go?” I answer.

“Go straight and enter the freeway.” she says. I do as she says and then we’re quiet the rest of the ride until she tells me to make turns.

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