Boy/Friend? (Chap. 12)

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Hope you like this chapter. And Picture of Angie -->

Chapter 12:

Daniel's P.O.V.

I should have killed Spencer. I am getting tired of him and his jealousy issues. How the fuck could he have kissed her! I swear if Angie wouldn't have stopped me I would have beaten him up worse.

"Daniel what are you thinking about?" Angie asks me next to me on the passenger seat. I give her a quick look and reach for her hand.

"Spencer," I answer. I see her shaking her head from the corner of my eye. "What?" I ask.

"I'm mad that you started fighting with him Daniel. You could have gotten in trouble." Is she kidding me? I don't care if I would have gotten in trouble!

"So?" I say.

"Yeah that's why I'm mad because you don't care, but I do."

"Why should I care? He kissed you Angie. He's getting out of line." She doesn't say anything.

"Are you mad?" I ask.

"Daniel I know he got out of line. But stop being jealous. I don't want you getting in trouble because of him." Why can't she just understand? I have been waiting for her practically forever; well I'm exaggerating, but still.

"Whatever Angie but I'm really getting tired that you keep defending him first I think you still have feelings for him at the hospital then you get mad 'cause I'm beating him up 'cause he kissed you. What's next huh?" I tell her. Okay maybe I shouldn't have told her.

"Drop me off home Daniel." Great.

"Angie I didn't mean to say that." Okay maybe I did, but still.

"Take me home now," she mumbles. Okay now she's crying not good. I try reaching out to wipe her tears away from her face but she pushes my hand away. Our ride to her house was quiet. When we get there she gets out of the car and leaves without saying bye. Okay I screwed up. I want to go talk to her but I know she's not going to want to talk to me. Instead I head home.

When I get there I am surprised to see who's sitting on my front porch.

"Pamela?" I ask confused.

"Hey Daniel," she says as she smiles.

"Pamela what are you doing here?" I ask. Pamela was the last girl I dated, but she dumped me when she moved schools. I'm not going to lie this girl really hurt me when she broke up with me. I actually didn't think of Angie a lot when I was with her. Now she's back.

"That's how you say hi to me?" she says getting up. Damn I can't help but to look at her. She's wearing white shorts that look great with those legs she has and she's wearing a tight purple shirt that's low cut. Her hair black which I assumed she dyed since the last time I remember she was a brunette and it's up to her shoulders straight, and she has those same icy blue eyes. I also notice she has a tattoo on her wrist. She's changed but she looks hot still I'm not going to lie. Dammit how can I be checking her out when I have a girlfriend!

She smiles and walks up to me where I'm standing frozen. She hugs me hard and then kisses me on the lips. I push her back softly.

"What are you doing Pamela?" I ask crossing my arms in front of my chest. "And what are you doing here?"

She frowns. "I'm back duhh? And I missed you," she has to be kidding me right now?

I give a short laugh. "Right." She rolls her eyes at me and twirls her hair with her fingers.

"I have nowhere to go; the old man kicked me out. I have nowhere to go Daniel. I know I broke up with you but help me out please?" she looked at me sad. I know her dad was hard on her, but how can I help her?

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