Chapter 25

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A Month Later

Kurt has been living with Kim and I. I feel like we're becoming closer and more sexual towards each other.

I wake up to see Kurt still sleeping in bed. Of course I stole all the blankets at night leaving him cold. I felt bad, I always steal the blankets at night, but he should no better to wear a shirt and pants to bed.

I feel his chest and it was freezing. Poor baby. He looks really cute right now though. I grab a camera in my drawer and sit on top of him so I can get the perfect angle.

"Well good morning" Kurt says while waking up and playing with his hair and I took a picture of that.

"Sorry you just look really cute right now" I say and start to shift over, but he stops me.

"Don't apologize I like you being there." Kurt says and smirks while rubbing my back.

"Didn't we do that yesterday" I said.

"I'm a man I have needs that need to be fulfilled." Kurt said and pushed my chest closer to his.

"Kurt Kim's right next door maybe later." I say.


"Kurt" I says and he smiles and we kiss. I then walk out in my bra and underwear to make three bowls of cereal.

"What kind of cereal do you want?" I ask Kurt.

"I don't really care what cereal." Kurt said and laughed with his deep morning voice.

"Kim honey, what kind of cereal do you want?" I asked her.

"Same as daddy's" she said.

"Daddy so you want regular or organic milk?" I said emphasizing the word daddy, because Kim says it twenty four seven instead of dad. I mean she is a kid so.

"Daddy?" He asked while raising his eyebrows.

"I just wanted to try it out."

"You can call me daddy when ever you want." Kurt said and smirked while giving me a wink.

"Speaking of daddy. I have to go back to Seattle for like three days just to see my mom." I say.

"I'm going too and we can leave Kim with Dave." Kurt said.

"Okay, my flights today so can you check with Dave?" I asked.


"Hey Dave its Kurt or as Aubrey likes to call me Daddy." Kurt says into the phone and gives me the smirk and wink after. Oh my gosh, I am so embarrassed and I'm blushing.

"No man I'm not f*cking kidding and I didn't even ask her." I heard Kurt say into the phone a few seconds after.

"Yeah I know. Oh hey can you do me a favor?"

"I need you to watch Kimberly. Only for a few days."

"You will thanks. We'll be right over." Kurt said and hung up the phone. Kimberly went in her room to start packing for Dave's.

"Daddy can you carry me to the room and help me pack?" I asked.

"Only because you said Daddy"

Me both started laughing and he picked me up and carried me to the room.

"I love you Kurt" I say.

"I'm sorry who is this Kurt?" Kurt asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I love you daddy" I say.

"I love you too"

He then pushes me on the bed and lays on top of me as we make out. After a few good minutes of making out I started packing mine and Kurt's bags. I then get dressed, I wore a white shirt that said Weed Be Good Together with some white denim booty shorts that I new Kurt would like. I then added some of my dirty white converse.

Kurt Left Us (Kurt Cobain Fan-Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz