Chapter 8

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I tried calling Kurt a bunch of times and he never answered. I'm furious at him. I didn't even go to my senior year of high school because I got pregnant. Turns out the pills I was taking were allergy pills by my mom just put them in the wrong bottle. It's been three years since I've seen Kurt. I named our daughter Kimberly Cobain. I figured whenever she meets Kurt he can name her middle name. I mean he doesn't know about her. I tried calling him but he just won't answer and one time he did but it was a girl who answered it. She sounded mean and seemed like a junkie. Kimberly is three years old and is the cutest thing in the world. I got my own small apartment for me and Kimberly. I didn't want her near my dad, by my mom has met her. The good thing though was since I was only sixteen when I had her, so my stomach didn't get stretched out. I look exactly the same, even a bit more skinnier because I don't eat that much because of my depression.

I make eggs in the kitchen while smoking my cigarette.

"Kim honey foods ready" I say.

"Coming mommy" she yells.

"We're moving today remember" I say. I'm going to find Kurt no matter what. I found a small house in Los Angeles. I've already sold everything and I have a bunch of money from saving and my mom gave me all of my dads money. He won't know because he's a drunk.

"Okay Kim we're gonna go on a plane" I say and put out my cigarette.

"Yay" she says.

Kim is just like Kurt, she looks like me and Kurt put together. She has his blonde hair, my eye shape, his eye color, my nose, his lips and face, and my body.

I put on some blue denim boyfriend jeans, a black long sleeved cropped sweater, and some black thin ankle strapped sandal heels. I did my makeup and hair.

"Kim come here please" I yell.

"Coming" she says and runs in the room.

I brush her short blonde hair, put her in a red shirt, some denim skinny jeans and then red converse.

"I want lip stuff" she says referring to lipgloss. I then put some on her.

"Okay let's go" I say. I pick her up and whistle for a taxi. We then got to the airport in 20 minutes.

"Our new house is gonna be so pretty. It's already set up and so is your room" I say. As I buckle her in next to the window of the plain she kicks her feet. I then sit in the middle seat and buckle my seatbelt.

"Mind if I sit here?" a young guys asks. He was kind of cute. Long brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and was a musician. I knew it by his drum sticks.

"Yeah, sure, Go ahead" I say.

He sits down.

"Hi I'm Kimberly what's your name?" Kim says weirdly across to the young guy. She is gonna be the weirdest child ever.

"Dave. I like that name" he says.

"Thank you" she says.

"Mommy look. Look at the clouds" Jim says to me.

"Your her mom?" Dave asked.

"Yeah I was a dumb teenager but I don't regret it" I say.

"Same here" he says.

"Oh you have a kid?" I ask.

"No but I was a dumb mother f*cker" he says and we both laugh.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Dave asked.

"Well the lucky guy doesn't know. I tried contacting Kurt and he never answered and when he did it was a lady" I say.

"I know a guy named Kurt what's his last name?"

Kurt Left Us (Kurt Cobain Fan-Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن