Chapter 26

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Grayson's POV:
I was running all over the place looking for her fearing the unthinkable. I finally found, after 10 minutes, Ethan standing outside of two doors that led to a hallway that people weren't allowed to go into. He had a bad look on his face. "Where's Alessandra? Where's everybody?" I asked shakily.
"She had a clot in her brain Grayson, it ruptured while you were gone. Their taking her in right now."
I put my hands on my head. "Why the fuck does this keep happening! Bad things are always happening to her! I just want to hold her! I just want to take her home." I said as I covered my face with my hands crying uncontrollably.
"It's gonna be alright gray, this girl has been through two miscarriages, she almost bled out, she had a heart attack, she is going to die old in a warm next to you."
We both started to cry.
"She- she's gonna be ok gray." He said hugging me.
I felt him trying to make me get up, but I couldn't move.
"What?" I said still crying.
He lifted me up turning me around.
"Hello Grayson."
"What are you doing here?" I said with my eyes still glassy.
"I am her mother Grayson." She said without making eye contact with me.
"Are you sure? Cause last time I checked you disowned her and kicked her out of your life. Well we're doing just fine so you can go now." I was so angry at her I mean she just abandoned her daughter, what kind of mother does that?
She started to cry. I felt bad so I went and hugged her for a minute.
"Where's my daughter?" She said as she pulled back.
"She had a clot in her brain and it ruptured. Their in surgery right now."
"Oh my sweet Alessandra!" She said collapsing her face into her hands screaming in agony.
"She's going to be ok."
But was she really?

*this is a flashback before Alessandra got attacked*

Alessandra's POV:
I missed Grayson's a lot, I missed his family, I missed his mom, I missed my own mom. Sadness was just over taking me so to get my mind off of it I took Sofia skating.
"Al can we go now!!" Sofia said impatiently.
"Yes hold on I need to figure out how to use this camera first." I was frustrated because I couldn't get this camera that gray gave me to work. "Got it!!" I said screaming startling Sofia.
"Sorry kid." I said laughing.
"Grab your board and let's go, Rory!" Sofia came running out with her board holding it with two hands because it was pretty big. Grayson's mom bought it for her as a gift when we went to New Jersey. "Alright let's go to the park so we can go to the skate park."
I decided to walk with her because she would get sad when I would ride my board and she couldn't. We finally got to the park and i let Rory off leash so she could run around, she didn't even really need a leash but I didn't want to get a ticket from the police. "Come on Rory!!" Sofia said screaming running to the playground. "Hey I thought you wanted to learn how to skate!" I said smiling at her teasing. "Just ten minutes please!!!" She said with her hands together and her bottom lip out. "Alright, but just ten minutes Sofia!"
She quickly started to play, going down the slide with Rory and playing in the sand. I saw Rory come running towards me so I opened my arms to her. But she ran behind me barking and growling, it wasn't until I turned around I realized why. "Hey sugar, how's MY daughter." His breath wreaked of alcohol. "I think you mean my daughter asshole." I said giving him a death glare and spitting in his face. "You'll regret that." He said as he slowly wiped my spit off of his eye. Rory was getting really close to killing the guy so he stumbled away. I turned to see Sofia still playing in the sand, oblivious of what just happened. "Sofia come on let's go!" I said shouting making other people turn around. "It hasn't even been ten minu-"
"Yes it has now let's go!" I'll admit I was scared, I knew what he could do.

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