Chapter 3

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Grayson's POV:
"Come on man who needs her, you still have us as your best friends" Aaron said as they all get in a group hug." Yea you're right there's gonna be a lot of hot girls here anyways" we all laughed and walked down to the party.

The next thing I know, it's morning and I'm laying in a beach umbrella and I reek of vodka and rum and some girl laying next to me on the outside of the umbrella on the sand. She had long dark straight purple hair and she was wearing jean ripped booty shorts with a white tank top that said buck wild. What the hell happened last night.

Alessandra's POV:
It was about six in the morning and I had to take the clothes out of the washer so they would be dry by the time I get back from work, I work at in n out, Rory was already awake keeping me company.

I made my mom some breakfast, eggs with tapatio on the top right side, half of a pancake on the left side with the syrup poured in a circular motion and a chordico burrito.

She couldn't really do anything because of her arthritis, she's barely thirty! She had me when she was 15. Since my dad was never around I became the provider since my mom couldn't work because of her medical problems, so I pay the bills with this in n out job.

As I was getting ready to get Rory I thought about that boy on the bus and I was starting to wonder, maybe I should give him a chance, than I snap myself out of it and remember that people like him would never understand people like me.

Grayson's POV:
I eventually found my phone inside of a cup 5 feet away from me. There were pictures of last night and it was INSANE.

There was this one picture of me and Ethan chugging 4 bottles worth of beer! But wow this hangover is not feeling too awesome right now.

Than I received a text on my phone "you're probably wondering where we are and since I know you're gonna be mad just know that we tried to take you home but you stayed with some girl with purple hair or something like that."

I had the worst headache that I just didn't even care I just knew I had to get to the apartment so I took the bus.
As I'm walking to the bus I see a familiar face coming out of the bus, it was that really cute girl with the weird dog."Hey!" I yelled with so much enthusiasm people stared at me, I started to lose my balance before she could say something snarky back. Luckily though, she caught me.

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