Chapter 9

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Grayson's POV:
I was laying on my bed going through Twitter when Alessandra called me. "What's up babe?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna be by your place to pick you up so we can go to the tournament, I'm really excited." I could tell she was smiling a bunch because her voice makes this weird noise when she's smiling.

"I can't wait, you're gonna kick ass babe."
"I sure hope so, well I'll be by in an hour, love you bye.
"Love you too bye."

I looked at the time and realized it was already 1:00 pm so I hopped in the shower and put on my purple sweater with a striped shirt and my grayish hat backwards with my grey jeans. I was doing my hair when I heard a knock on the door and than it opened. "Graysoooon!" I recognized the voice.
"Al I'm in here!"

"Dude come on we're gonna be late!"
I finished my hair and we left to the tournament. Since she doesn't have a car we took Ethan's jeep, he was asleep so he wouldn't know and I could just get yelled at when we come back.

She told me the directions and it lead to east Los Angeles. The place looked like it could use a paint job, but other than that it was really cool.

Inside it had a hip hop dance class in one corner and basketball in the other corner and in the middle was a big cage with another buff girl in it, it was pretty sick. "Great." She sighed in annoyance. "What's wrong?"

"I have that bitch that I have to go against, I hate her so much, her names Lexi, we used to be best friends but she turned into a bitch after her dad left."
"Little harsh?" I said with an eyebrow raised.

She gave me the most confused look ever.

She was gonna say something when her coach called her over, he was pretty tall and he was buff and covered in tattoos, him and Alessandra looked so much alike it was insane.

She gave me a kiss and she left. Lexi saw us kiss and she smirked and I just sat down on a bench. I felt everyone staring at me, the girls in the dance corner were staring at me laughing and giggling and than the guys in the basketball corner were giving me dirty looks.

I ignored it and continued to watch the fight. Before I knew it it was over and Alessandra was all beat up but that was nothing compared to what she did to Lexi, she really messed her up.

I saw Alessandra talking to her coach and I saw her face turn pail and she walked away with her coach calling for her to come back. Her face went back to normal when she saw me watching.
"Hey, everything ok?"

"Yea everything's fine, I don't think boxing is for me anymore though."
"What?!? You are so good though."
"I don't wanna get hurt and leave my mom alone." I stopped I front of her.
"You sure everything's ok? I saw you with your coach it looked pretty bad."
"Everything's fine can we just drop it and go home." I nodded and rapped my arm around her waist.

It was 9 in the morning, me and Alessandra were hanging out before she had to go to work. "You know how much I love hanging out with you?" She asked with a smile.
"You could give me a clue." I said seductively as I started to make out with her.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I said with a smile following a kiss on her soft lips.
I came out to find her standing up with all of her stuff packed.
"I should go I can't be late, oh and I don't think I can come over later cause I have to take more shifts, gotta pay those bills haha."
"Oh do you think Rory can stay here for a while until I pick her up tonight, I wouldn't ask unless I absolutely had no other choice."
I giggled "of course I'll watch her, I would do anything for you." She smiled
"Your mom doesn't work?"

She was about to say something until Aaron Jack and Ethan walked in.
"Hey guys." She said as she waved.
"Hey Alessandra" Ethan said with a smile
"Hey al" Aaron said with a friendly wave.
"Sup al" Jack said with a smile and wave"
"Alright well I'll see you guys later and I'll be back to pick up Rory."

I got up to give her a kiss, she hesitated and was acting strangely nervous, she kept looking at Ethan.
After she left I took Rory to walk down by the beach.
"You guys wanna come with?"
"Nah we're good man think we're just gonna sleep for a while."
"You're loss"

I was about to walk out when Ethan asked me something.
"Grayson have you seen my gold Apple watch?"
"No where did you leave it?"
"I left it in the case in my drawer and now it's gone."
"Nah dude I haven't seen it."
I walked out after that. Rory seemed to like me better than she originally did.

After about an hour I went back to the apartment to find all the guys sitting on the couch watching some video on their phone.
"Grayson come here."
"Alright, what is it?"
"Well I put up one of those hidden cameras in my room because I was gonna play a prank on Aaron and I got something else that was very interesting actually.

He showed me the video and I was shocked. It was Alessandra looking through Ethan's stuff and she took the apple watch.
"Look Grayson either you do something or I will, that cost mom and dad a lot of money, $10,000 to be exact. She needs to be in jail."

As soon as he said jail I looked at him with anger.
I started to think to myself, "was she just using me for my money, has she done this before, was I just a game to her?" I didn't even want to think about it.

"Don't worry Ethan I'll take care of it." I was filling up with anger really REALLY fast, I have never felt so betrayed before.

I called her phone 100 times but every time it went to voicemail, I decided to go to her work. They said she never showed up. I was so angry after everything I've done for her this is how she repays me? No. This better not just be it, she takes my money and just disappears, she didn't even take her dog.

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