Chapter 6

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Alessandra's POV:
That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and I barely knew the guy. I never wanted to stop talking to him but I knew that I had to make him hate me so he wouldn't try to talk to me.
And that was the last time I saw him.

One month later

Grayson's POV:
I was hanging out at my apartment on Saturday , all the guys had dates.
It was about 12 in the morning when I got a call.
I didn't recognize the number so I ignored it

My phone rang again and it was the same number
My phone rang five more times until I finally picked it up
"Who is this and why do you keep call me?"
"Uh hey Grayson." They said panting
"Yea" she coughed
"How did you get my number?"
"I told you I know people." She laughed but u stayed silent.
"Are you ok? Why do you sound out of breath?"
"Because I am."

It was silent for 3 seconds.
"Look Grayson I know I am the last person you want to talk to but I need your help now."

She was right, She was the last person I wanted to talk to but I could tell by her voice that something was very wrong.
"Where are you."
"I'm near north Hollywood."
"What the hell are you doing all the way over there?"
"Please just pick me up ill explain everything when you get here" she began coughing and gasping for air.

"Alessandra? Alessandra?? Are you ok say something??"
"I'm fine just please hurry."
When I got there she looked like she got jumped.
I got out of the car
"Who the hell did this to you??"
"Please can we just get in the car" she said coughing.
"I think my ribs broken.
She had blood all over her face dripping onto her white shirt.
"Get in the car I'll take you to the hospital."

Alessandra's POV:
It was so difficult to breathe. Every time I went for a breath it felt like somebody was stabbing me trying to get me to stop.
I was so shoo-ken up I couldn't stop shaking.
I felt Grayson hold my hand, even though Rory was growling at him.

I didn't want to let go.
I didn't want him to let go.
But I was scared.
"So what happened al?"
"Still calling me that huh pretty boy?" I said struggling.

We both laughed but I soon stopped because it hurt to bad
"Just breathe al were almost there"
"That's kinda what's making it hurt though" I smiled at him jokingly.
He smiled back until he saw the blood on my shirt.
"So what happened?"
"Well you know how I rescued Rory off the streets?"
"Yea." Grayson said confused
"Well my best guess was that she was used as a bait dog for fighting dogs to train them and once she wasn't of use to them anymore they just dumped her."
"Mhmm" Grayson said

"Well, I got half of that right. She was used as a bait dog, but she wasn't dumped she escaped."
"Me and Rory were walking to the doctors to get my mom some of her medicine because she ran out, and these guys were walking towards us and Rory started to try to attack them but I held her back, and one of the guys said,"hey that's my dog, why the fuck do you have my dog.", I said "she's not your dog she is my dog and it's a good thing too cause she doesn't seem to like you too much", he got mad and when he looked up I realized it was my ex boyfriend.

He tried to take Rory but I fought back and pretty soon they were all on top of me beating the shit out of me. I was able to escape but-"
I started to shake again
Grayson grabbed my hand and squeezed it as if he was saying it was all going to be ok.
"You're gonna be alright al, I promise."

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