Chapter 16

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2 months later
Alessandra's POV:
It 7 in the morning and I was on my way to the bus stop on my skateboard with Rory running next to me. I stopped at McDonald's to get orange juice and I got Rory a burger (probably shouldn't actually give your dog that 😂). I had been hanging out with Ethan a lot lately ever since that day he rejected me with the money, well we mostly texted since he went to New York for a meet and greet with his fans, but we got close really fast. As I was going to the bus stop I saw Ethan waiting there for me. He looked really cute standing there with his purple jacket and jeans and-
What am I thinking why did I just think he was cute. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. Hey Ethan! What are you doing here?" I said laughing.
"Well I wanted to surprise you when I got back and I am here to take you to Santa Monica pier." He said as he gestured me to his jeep. "Wait what? I can't just leave work."
"Don't worry I already took care of all that."
I smiled him and followed him to the jeep. The car ride over to Santa Monica was pretty short because we were already near the beach. The whole way there we listened to Coldplay and The Weeknd with Ethan singing along at the top of his lungs making people stare. "You are insaaane Ethan!" I said enthusiastically. "Why thank you little lady." He said smiling at me. I got butterflies in my stomach but quickly fluttered then out and sung along to pretty by the weeknd . Ethan looked at me and muttered "like song like girl" thinking I didn't hear him. When we got there we got on the scrambler with me squishing Ethan. "Ow Al! Get off!" He said playfully shoving me.
"I'm trying here man!" We both just laughed the whole time. When the ride was over I felt unusually really dizzy. "Hey you ok?" Ethan said concerned. I could barely stand. He grabbed my arm with his right hand and his left arm around my waist carrying me to a bench. "Maybe we should get something to eat." He said giggling and looking directly into my eyes. I broke the moment and got up which made his face towards my crotch. He got up though before I could notice and he turned really red. Shortly after we got ice cream my stomach started to REALLY hurt, but I didn't want to be a buzz kill and ruin the fun so I ignored it. We were next to get on the roller coaster and my stomach felt like somebody was stabbing me. I grabbed my lower stomach thinking Ethan wouldn't notice. "Everything ok?"
"Yea .. Just a little nervous." I said with a fake smile, when all I wanted to do was cry. I knew this sensation, but suddenly it just went away.
He smiled back, but his was real.
We got on the roller coaster and we were having fun screaming like lunatics making other people stare. When the ride was over I took off my seat belt and got off, but suddenly i felt a very familiar pain and collapsed. Ethan ran to me screaming for help. I was screaming now. Two guys came to help me up and put me on a wheel chair. I got up and felt something drip down my leg. I looked down to see blood running down my leg. I looked up at Ethan and his face was filled with pure shock and fear. I whispered as I slowly looked down, low enough so he couldn't hear me, "not again." "What did you say?" Ethan said scared.
I looked up with tears and was looking at the paramedics, "I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!" I was now losing a lot of blood and started to loose consciousness. I remember seeing Ethan's hands covering his face as the paramedics took me away.

Ethan's POV:
Did she really just say what I think she did? Was she really pregnant? We're her and Grayson seeing each other again? She was only 16 she couldn't have a baby. I quickly came out of shock and followed the paramedic down the stairs into the ambulance.
There was blood everywhere and she was going in and out of consciousness. When we got to the hospital she was led into the operating room and I tried to go with her forgetting that you couldn't even go in there, but they wouldn't let me. "Sir you can't go in there."
"No I don't think you understand my best friend is in there! She hates hospitals.." I started to realize what was happening. "S-she hates hospitals." I said as I slowly sat down. "My friend-
She-she's pregnant." I looked down and than back up again. "My best friend is having a miscarriage." I said as I looked down. I was lost for words. "Well we don't know that yet son." The nurse said touching my shoulder for comfort. But I barely even noticed that he was there anymore. After a few hours the doctor came out. I stood up quickly only a few feet away from him. "Hello I'm Dr.Karev I operated on your friend, she had a massive hemorrhage. But she's going to be ok." He said with a smile. I sighed with relief. "Thank you so much." His smile went just as fast as it came. "Unfortunately, the fetus did not survive. I'm sorry." My smile went away just as fast too, I mean I knew that she was having a miscarriage, but it didn't make it any easier. I knew that this was going to destroy her. "There's also some other things I would like to talk to her about, if you would please follow me this way." He motioned me to a room at the end of the hall to the right. "Can I speak to her alone first?"
"Of course take your time."
I walked in nervously. Her back was facing the door and she was looking out the window. I sat down to a chair next to her as I saw a tear roll off of her cheek. I wiped the tear with my thumb.
She just laid there with a blank look on her face. I could see the pain in her glassy eyes.

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