Bad Boy

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Liam's POV

"Welcome back home Liam...where's Zayn?" Harry asked as soon as I climbed in the car. "He's back in America" I replied bluntly seeing them look at me a bit taken back. "Is everything alright?" Niall asked, concern clear in his voice. "I'm fine, what is this an interview?" I growled causing him to put his hands up defensively. "Geesh, what's wrong with you?" Louis mumbled causing me to look over at him with a threatening glare, if looks could kill he'd be dead. "Why are you being such a pain?" Turning my attention back to the window I watched as we passed by people who tried following the truck once they realized who we were. I failed my mission, I didn't come back with Jade like I thought I would. I failed our friendship...or what used to be our friendship. She said it with her own mouth, she wish she would've never met me and that hurt me a lot.

"So, what did you wanna do today?" Niall asked clearly not getting the hint that I wasn't in the mood for talking. "I want to be left alone" I grumbled coming across way harsher than I wanted to be. "Well that's no fun..." Niall chuckled hoping I would probably laugh. Turning to look at him I watched as his smile slowly ceased once he could tell I wasn't playing around with him. "Look mate, I don't know what happened over in America but don't take it out on us" Louis sighed crossing his arms sending me a small frown. Instead of getting into it with him, I huffed before turning away from them and back out the window. Where did my life go wrong? How did I end up here, so broken and bitter?

When we finally pulled up at the flat I grabbed my luggage's and stormed inside not waiting for the rest of the boys. I was happy to be home though, I'd have to say that was my only reason for happiness. Walking into my room I threw my luggage's by the foot of my bed before lying down taking in a deep breath, a much needed deep breath. Pulling my phone out, I checked the time to see that it was going on 9 o'clock pm and the boys were talking about hitting up the club on the way from the airport which kind of caught my attention. The club sounded fun about now, I could get my mind off of Jade and try to move on. I didn't need her anyways, she was just another stronghold.

Getting off my bed I quickly changed before meeting the boys downstairs. When they saw me their eyes went slightly wide, "'re coming with us?" Harry asked awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Nodding I walked outside scooting inside the limo. Needless to say, I needed to start enjoying life and I wasn't going to be able to do that with Jade on my mind 24/7. Watching them get in the limo joining me, Louis signaled for the driver to go. Within 10 minutes we had made it to the club, the same club I came to the night Jade had left. No...stop thinking about Jade. Getting out the limo we made our way inside instantly once they noticed who we were.

Making my way straight to the bar I sat down waiting for the bartender to finish his order. "Hey pretty boy" Rolling my eyes I started to turn around, "The name's actually Liam Pa..." pausing I smiled when I noticed that same girl that I had met here when I came here. It was that same brunette, I think her name was Sierra. "Sierra...?" Seeing her smile widen she nodded before making her way over to me, "I'm glad that you remember my name" Taking another sip of my drink I nodded before sending her a cheeky smile, "How could I forget?" Giggling she ordered a drink before turning her attention back to me, "So I heard about your breakup, I'm so sorry..." she mentioned a look of sadness in her eyes. Placing my hand on her thigh I shrugged, "It's no big deal, no need to apologize"

Taking my hand, Sierra then led me to the dance floor just like last time except this time I wasn't as uneasy, I felt more comfortable. Pulling me closer as we made our way further into the crowd, Sierra finally found us a nice spot where we could dance and immediately started grinding on me. Grabbing a hold onto her waist, I pulled her closer to me moving along with the beat, no regrets. I felt free, like I didn't have to worry about getting the title a cheater. Starting to feel more confident, I let my hands roam up and down her body not caring who was watching whatsoever but sadly the song came to an end and a slower song started to play...I for one never knew clubs actually played slow songs.

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