Family Bonding Time

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Jade's POV
*2 Weeks Later*

"Harry give me my bow tie back!" I giggled chasing him around the house for what seemed like hours. Finally stopping he turned around sending me a puppy face, "Oh come on Jade, just let me wear it..." he whined. Seeing Louis sneaking up behind him I tried covering the grin on my face. Snatching the bow tie out of Harry's hand, he walked over handing it to me as Harry looked at him with wide eyes. "Really Lou, you cheated on me for Jade?" laughing I walked over to Harry ruffling his hair and handing him the bow tie. "You can wear it, just ask next time"

"Thanks Jade!" he smiled before kissing my cheek and running off upstairs. Hearing a light chuckle behind me I turned around to see Liam and Jesy standing at the doorway. "So what was the point of chasing him for hours when you eventually let him have it?" Jesy asked, confusion written all over her face. "There's a lesson I was trying to teach him" I mentioned walking towards them and into the kitchen to see Niall rummaging through the fridge frantically. "Niall, what's wrong with you?" Liam asked walking over to him. Looking up at us with wide eyes he pointed to the top shelf of the fridge. "There's no more milk..." he sighed.

"Did you want me to go pick up some more milk?" I volunteered causing Niall's face to instantly light up. Nodding, I walked over to the front door when I was stopped by Liam, "I'm going with you" he said running up to me. Blushing at his protectiveness I reached out for his hand. Liam decided it was a good day to walk which I fully agreed. The weather was perfect, it was a nice spring breeze and the sky looked gorgeous. Intertwining our fingers we continued to walk before Liam stopped sending me a small smile.

"What's so funny?" I asked looking around guessing that maybe he saw something. "I wanna give you a piggy back ride...I'd hate for you to have to walk such a far distance" he said pulling me towards him. Rolling my eyes I tried hiding a smile, "It's not a far distance Liam, it is literally right over there" I chuckled pointing at the little store around the corner. "Please...?" he begged sticking out his lower lip which reminded me off Harry. What was up with the boys and the puppy faces today? "Fine..." I giggled hopping on his back as his hands wrapped securely around my thighs making me blush. Wrapping my arms around his neck I leaned forward placing my chin on the top of his head. So this is what it felt like to see out of Liam's eyes. I felt so high off the ground.

Approaching the store, Liam set me down opening the door for me, what a gentleman. Walking inside I mentally thanked God for there not being many people in here. "While you're getting the milk I'm gonna go see what candy they have" he smiled before kissing my cheek and running the opposite direction. Giggling at his childishness I walked over to the cooler ail seeing the milk. Sliding the fridge door open I reached up to grab it only to notice that I couldn't reach it. Sighing I tried again standing on my tippy toes yet I still couldn't get a hold onto it until I felt a body lightly brush against mines. Taking in the familiar scent I froze when I turned around.

"Sam...?" I gawked looking at him with somewhat wide eyes. "Hey're milk?" he replied handing me the milk carton. Hesitantly grabbing it from him I took a step back, it was kind of awkward seeing him here especially at a time like this, my guard was down. This had been the first time I had laid eyes on him since our break up two months ago and I'm not going to lie, he looked better than ever. His jet black hair was neatly spiked upwards and he got ear piercings that completed his look.

"What are you doing here?" I asked immediately regretting my choice of words. "Just getting some batteries..." he replied holding up a pack of batteries, "...what about you, what are you doing here?" he asked with a small smile on his face, the smile I still loved to see. "I'm out..." I started only to have him finish my sentence, "...with Liam?" Nodding I suspiciously watched him, "How did you know that?" Lightly chuckling he stuffed his hands in his pockets, "You guys are Britain's Newest Couple, it's all over the news" Blushing I nervously tucked some hair behind my ears, "Right..."

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