Daddy's Little Girl

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Jade's POV

"Dad...?" I mumbled as he opened his arms wide for me. Did he really expect me to want to jump up and give him a hug, we hadn't talked in years and he thinks he can just pop up out of nowhere? When he saw that I didn't move he lightly sighed before adverting his eyes to Liam. "And who is this?" he asked no emotion on his face. Before I could say anything Liam stood up holding his hand out for my dad to shake, "I'm Liam her's nice to meet you sir" he stated nervously. Sneering at Liam's hand my dad crossed his arms making it clear he didn't want to shake hands with him. Hesitantly sitting down Liam looked down with embarrassment all over his face.

"Boyfriend? What happened to the other one...what was his name, Sam?" he grumbled making me frown. "We broke up a while ago but you weren't in my life at the time were you?" I mumbled not even wanting to look up at him. Standing up I grabbed Liam's hand causing him to stand up. "Thanks for letting us come by mum, I think we'll be going now though" I mentioned softly as she sent me an understanding smile. Leaning down I kissed her cheek before grabbing my purse and making my way towards the front door. Opening the door for me Liam made sure I was in before closing the door and walking around to drivers side to get in.

Watching as he looked over at me it looked as if he wanted to say something but ended up not speaking. "What is it Li?" I asked softly as he slid his hand in mine. "I just wanted to know if you were alright" he said quietly. Keeping his eyes on the road he gently squeezed my hand, "I'm's just my dad can be a jerk at times" I mentioned as he nodded understandingly before kissing my cheek. "I know..." he said as I looked at him slightly confused. "And how would you know, your family is perfect...your dad didn't abandon you" I slightly frowned pulling my hand away and crossing my arms before turning towards the window.

"Jade my family isn't perfect, no one's is" he said still remaining calm. Not saying anything I heard a sigh come from Liam as he continued driving looking over at me every now and then. Ok, so maybe I did over exaggerate it a bit but I was just frustrated with my dad. He's been in and out of my life since I was pretty much born and I guess I'm just tired of him showing up when he wanted to. Noticing we had pulled up to Liam's flat I got out the car not even waiting for him before going inside since I did have a key. Going over to the couch I laid face down feeling the couch sink beside indicating Liam was beside me.

"Still upset with me...?" he asked, a hint of hope in his voice. "Just leave me alone" I whimpered feeling tears start to overtake my voice. "Not like this, I promised I would never leave you when you needed me" he pointed out keeping his voice calm instead of yelling at me. "What makes you think I need you now?" I mumbled looking up at him as he scooted closer to me hesitantly wiping the tears away from my eyes, "The fact that you're crying, you're right...I don't know what it feels like to have my dad abandon me but I know it just made you stronger" he said quietly stroking my jaw with a small smile on his lips.

"I'm sick of being strong...I want to be weak for once..." I cried as he pulled me into his chest. "That's why I'm here love" he whispered kissing my forehead. Holding me as I sobbed into his chest, he whispered soothing things in my ear slowly calming me down in the process. "I love you..." I muttered looking up at him seeing that he was smiling. "Not half as much as I love you" Blushing I looked back down holding onto Liam taking in his amazing scent. It was times like these when I wished I could stay like this forever. Suddenly laughing I wiped away any remaining tears on my face before lightly sighing, "I'm sorry I'm all over the place" Seeing him smile back he soothingly rubbed my back joining me in on my laughter, "It's all good, at least you're smiling again"

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