All You Gotta Do Is Put Your Mind To This Sh*t

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Authors Note:That fucked up moment when you sit typing for 3 hours and it deletes everything..-__-But I'M BACK!Lol and sadly this story will be ending soon...buuutttttttttttt i will be starting a sequeal to it,and well, I would realllyyyy appreciate it if you guys help me pick a name for it :D.

3 Weeks Later......The girls have completely transformed the boys back to themselves.Roc,Ray, and Prince are back to being Mindless once again,the management loves Ej and they have created songs for the boys, such as "I Don't Care","Oh You Mad?", and also "We Do".They have perfected all their songs and are starting a new album for the boys.As for the girls,they go back to touring in about 2 days.Keisha and Alizay(the girls manager) decided it would be good to get the boys exposed again if they included them in the tour with the girls,therefore, Mindless Behavior will be touring with the girls and opening for them,and if they are lucky,they may do a duet with them. Oh and a little secret...shhhhh don't tell ;),Ej and Kasha have been getting along pretty well if ya catch my drift *nudge nudge*.....

~Meanwhile at the Conjunction house.....~

Walter:Feels good to see the boys back out performing again.

Keisha:I know right.It's been awhile since my baby's been out,well it's time to show up with a BANG!

Alizay:I'm just so happy they are all performing,and little Ej is going to get put out there for everyone to see him!So exciting!!*bouncing in seat*

Keisha:Where are they anyways Walter?

Walter:Girls are at the pent house packing up for Tour,boys are upstairs doing the same.

Alizay:Where are they going first?

Walter:Ummmm..*looks at phone*....Well I be damned....Were going to the UK.


Walter:You know they love some Fine China in the Queens land*laughs*It's going to be big.The girls don't even know it yet.

Alizay:Good luck telling Brianna about those elevators and Nini about that plane ride.

Walter:*laughs to self*


Walter:I'm just thinking about the time they boys told me they tried to get Brianna on an elevator and she went ballistic on everyone

Keisha:OMG ,Remember the time the girls beat the fans asses for attacking the boys*bust out laughing*


Keisha:About two years ago,the girls weren't famous back then.

Alizay:Wait knew the girls before they were famous?

Keisha:You could say that,from what i heard they got backstage passes to the boys concert,then they snuck on the bus and were on tour with us for 3 days. Prince made a biigggggg scene pulling Brianna on the stage asking her to be his girlfriend.Of course she said yes.But apparently backstage she told him no.

Alizay:Awwwww...why did she say no?

Keisha:They still were fans at the time,so I guess reality hit all of them at some point when they realized that tour wasn't forever and they would loose contact with the boys,so they left.My poor babies were so devastated....Prince wouldn't talk for like a month,Ray would just listen to Drake music laying down. Roc tried to be tough but i caught him crying a few times and had to comfort him,he's a baby you know.And as for Prodigy...i never seen such anger in that boy,you could tell by how he moved he was just raging. But after a while they pulled themselves back together.

Walter:*lifts eyebrow*How in the hell did you know all the details??

Keisha:I'm the manager,you know i have to keep up with the gossip,and plus.The boys would sneak to my house crying and venting to me.

Alizay:Awwwwww,and they were only like 14 at the time*sad face*

Keisha:I know,i think of them as my kids,they can be tough boys but their still human.

Walter:You should have seen how they reacted when they seen the girls again after two years.

Keisha:And trust meeee.....they were not those little preteens they seen at the concert.Those little girls got more hips and booty than me!

Alizay:I had to buy Reana over 5 pairs of the same pants because she kept popping the butt part while dancing.

Walter&Keisha:*burst out laughing*she gotta DONK! XD!!

Alizay:Right!!?? Then Lala's boobs are like BRUH! We work extra hard to find her the right shirts that are comfortable yet swagalisious but don't over expose her jugs.But she's pretty cool about it.

Keisha:They are good girls,i'm glad their back to be honest.Everything around here just got more positive with them around,and plus,they keep the boys in check

Walter:YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN! I couldn't keep Roc ass from looking at every girl

Roc:What was that??*pops up behind couch*

Managers:AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!*Fall off couch*

Boys:*all come from behind couch*SO ya'll throwing shadeee *laughs*

Alizay:Don't do that!Almost made me lose my edges...

Ray:Bihh where???

Alizay:Don't get cut,Braids

Ray:My bad,but we're ready to go

Walter:Alrighty,Preacher will be here in about 15 minutes then we have to go pick up the girls.


Ej:*nudges Roc and whispers*I get to see Kashaaaa

Roc:*whispers back*Truuee!!


Walter:Grab your bags boys, Mindless Behavior is BACK!

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