"He was supposedly here for a marriage proposal for me. Turns out he just wanted Tahira even after uncle Omar had refused to even consider giving him Tahira's hand for marriage countless of times." I shook my head. "Of course he did." I muttered.

When we went back to her house, after chatting a lot with Lubna, Noor and Amir. I discovered that Tahira had been friends with Lubna since her accident. They had been inseparable until Tahira had gone to live in England. And to Amir and Noor, Tahira was like a second daughter they cared about every much, same thing concerning Lubna, Sara and Omar.

Tahira was very surprised to see that Niall had come with me once we went back to her house. Niall was learning a dish he liked very much by Falaq and Sara, who looked more than happy and more than enjoying themselves while teaching him when we caught sight of them in the kitchen as we returned.

When I woke up the next day, albeit a bit late, there was a knock on the door and I sat up on my bed. "Who is it?" I asked, my eyes still a bit droopy and my voice giving out a more husky sound than usual; morning voice. The door opened a bit but the person didn't come in and a throat cleared.

"Are you decent, Harry?"

I heard Tahira ask and I looked down at my shirtless torso. "Give me a second." I said picking up the shirt I had discarded last night and quickly put in on. "Yeah, now I am." She poked her head in before entering the room completely.

She was already dressed for the day in dark blue jeans, they weren't skinny jeans but they weren't completely shapeless either. It was matched with a long checkered blue full sleeves shirt and a blue hijab to match. "I didn't wake you up, did I?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, you didn't. Is there anything you wanted to ask me?" She nodded. "Yeah, actually I'm going to meet my friends today, and mamma wanted me to ask if you and Niall would like to come with me or rest here for the day?" I thought about it for a while.

"I'm not that tired. I can't say about Niall but I'd like to come." I said and smiled.

When I asked Niall who was already awake and ready but got a bit lost in the house (we had to go find him after I had gotten ready for the day) he was ready to come with us.

Niall and I had both decided to wear caps and sunglasses so that people couldn't recognise us because we were going to a mall apparently. Not for shopping, but for lunch, bowling, ice skating and then if they still had energy left, shopping for books.

I was a bit amazed that they were going to a mall but won't go shopping for clothes but Tahira said that her friends would do a little window shopping for clothes if they did but she'd be the main one buying the books.

They were meeting up at the place they were about to have lunch. Omar was the one driving us to the mall, Tahira sitting with him in the passenger seat while Niall and I sat in the back. They kept telling us about everything we passed the areas while heading towards the mall which was a 45 minute journey from their house.

When we saw the mall coming in our view, Tahira was slightly jumping in her seat from excitement and I chuckled in my mind. This was making her act like a kid waiting to open her Christmas presents.

Omar had dropped us off at the mall gates saying he'll pick us up in a few hours. When we had entered the mall, I don't think she noticed but Tahira walked faster than she normally did but Niall and I walked in our own pace which made no difference to the distance between us because of her small legs compared to ours.

"Tahira!" A voice shouted from behind us and just as we turned around a body crashed into Tahira, enveloping her into a tight hug, and Tahira returned the hug just as tightly. "I missed you so much!" The mystery girl said and Tahira pulled back, finally giving us a face to the mystery girl.

She was small but an inch or two taller than Tahira. She wasn't wearing a hijab like Tahira did. She had black hair which were tied into a neat ponytail at the back of her head and hazel eyes from what I could see. She was a beautiful girl, but for me Tahira was more beautiful.

They laughed and hugged each other again and I heard something drop so I looked down and saw Niall's keys he had been rotating around his finger had fallen off. When I looked at him, my eyes widened when I saw that his keys weren't the only thing that had fallen.

His jaw had joined the floor too.


AN: Drag Me Down. What a surprise to start a day with! It's so amazing! How many of you have heard it!? Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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