Chapter 10: Give us time

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Fay's POV

In the days that followed, me and Hazel made love so many times. We really wanted and needed another child, a wolf for my throne.

I don't know why Hazel suddenly changed her mind, but I don't mind, I'm happy she's willing to raise another child with me.

"And?" I asked, looking at her.

She was in front of me, pregnancy test in her hand. "Wait for it, baby."

I sighed deep, I was so nervous. I sat on the bed while Hazel stood in front of me, next to our bathroom door. She doesn't show it, but I know she's nervous too.

She looked at it one more time and a small smile made it's way onto her face. As if I knew what the result was, I got up and smiled.

"Is it...?"

Hazel looked at me and nodded. "We're expecting another child, baby."

I smiled big and hugged her tight, my wife was pregnant with our second child. Now I had to take good care of her, like she had done for me.

I pulled back but only to look at her face. "I'm so happy about this, we should tell everyone."

Hazel held me close. "Maybe we should wait until we've reached the safe point?"

I looked at her. "But I want to spread this amazing news." I said with a big smile of my face. "Everyone can know we made tons of love to have a second love child."

Hazel blushed, she probably hadn't imagined me saying that. "Baby, calm down, first we wait."

I sighed and nodded. "Fine, as you want."

"Thank you." she said and walked to Gwen, taking her to our bed. I went to lay down next to her. "Hey my beautiful girl." she said in baby tone to Gwen, rubbing her cheeks. "You're having a brother or sister."

"Why can she know about it?" I asked.

Hazel looked at me. "Because she can keep a secret."

I smiled and took Gwen in my arms. "How's my big girl? You're so cute!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Hazel smile. "I can't believe we're already having our second child."

"Me neither."

"And I'm still pretty young..." she said and looked down.

I scooted closer to her and held her in my arms. "Baby, age doesn't matter to me, or to Gwen or our other baby." I said to which she looked at me. "We're a family, full of love and happiness."

She smiled a little. "I love you, and my little baby girl too." she said and kissed both me and Gwen.

"We love you too."


"So how's Hazel, and Gwen?" dad asked when I entered the training area.

I looked at him. "They're fine, you've seen them, they live here too."

Mom and dad looked at each other. "So, when's the second child coming?" mom asked to which I rolled my eyes and walked to the middle of the area.

"We need an heir to the throne, Fay." dad said stern, as if I didn't know that.

"I know, I know." I said. "Just give us some time."

"How much more time do you two need? You get all day to reproduce and you still haven't delivered yet." dad said, sighing deep. "Is it really that hard for you two?"

I looked at him, I was pissed of. "Calm down! Me and Hazel know what we're doing, just give us some time! Gwen's just a newborn baby!"

"Don't you understand that that witch might take of with her heir to her throne?!" dad said, raising his voice.

"Hey! You're talking about my wife and mate! If I were you, I'd be careful now!" I said, my eyes started glowing since my wolf was protective over Hazel, our mate.

Dad stepped back, as if he knew he crossed the line. "Fine, but I swear if we don't have an heir soon, we'll have to take action!" he said and went to sit in his seat at the top of the area.

He motioned to my trainer to start the training.

I sighed, but was happy I could lose all my energy during this training. I was so pissed of at my parents, especially my dad...


I thought dad had calmed, I thought our 'talk' during training would shut him up for awhile. But I was wrong...

It was dinner and Hazel, me and Gwen were in the kitchen, waiting for dinner. Our chef was preparing our meal while another one was preparing Gwen's bottle.

When Gwen's bottle was ready, the chef brought it to Hazel so she could feed Gwen.

Just then, my parents walked in.

"Erica, add two more portions to that." he ordered and sat down. Immediately servers put the plates, glasses, forks and knives down onto the table.

"What can we get you for drinks, Alpha?" a server asked.

Dad didn't even look at him. "Just bring the usual."

"The same for me." mom said to which the server nodded and walked away, getting their drinks. Mom looked at Gwen and smiled. "She's so cute!"

Hazel looked up and smiled. "Yeah, she is." she said and smiled before looking back at Gwen.

"So, when are you two going to reproduce a second child? An heir to my throne." dad asked, not feeling ashamed to have asked that.

I looked at him, jaw dropped.

"Why the hurry?" Hazel asked, calm. "I mean, Fay and me are fine like it is now, aren't we baby?" she asked to which I looked at her, she winked at me.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so too."

"Well I don't think so!" dad said, raising his voice, his fist smashed onto the table. "We need an heir to our throne!"

Gwen started crying. Hazel rocked her a little and shushed her. I quickly helped her, kissing Gwen a few times.

"Dad, Gwen's here too!" I said to him. "Don't shout like that."

"I'll go put her in bed." Hazel said, she had this look on her face. "I'll be right back." she said and kissed me before going upstairs.

I looked at dad. "What the hell dad!"

"Fay, don't you see what that witch is doing? She's manipulating you." he said, burying his face in his hands. "I never should've let you marry her, she's a bad witch."

"Dad!" I said making him and mom look at me. "I love Hazel to death and she loves me, and she's my mate. Please, just please give us some time."

Dad sighed and looked down. "It's important that - "

"I know." I said soft. "Just give us some time."

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