Chapter 8: Baby's here

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Fay's POV

For months, Hazel and me were happy, relaxed and in love. We made sure every minute of every day we were together and showing each other our love.

I can't believe mom and dad were right... They paired me up with my soulmate, I felt it, my wolf felt it. Hazel is my mate, I haven't told her that yet. I don't want to scare her away.

Over the months, my belly got bigger and my body got weaker. Hazel made sure she was watching me constantly, I could never leave her because she wanted to be there if something would happen.

And finally it happened... My water broke and we had to rush to the private room in the castle to get the baby.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, no one has prepared me for this... Hazel was right next to me, holding my hand in her. She often kissed it, trying to ease the pain, because she could do that, she's a witch after all.

Eventually when she saw I was in too much pain, she kissed my hand non stop and I felt her magic working. The pain disappeared and I relaxed, and that's when our baby was there.

It was a girl, a beautiful little girl. I held her close to me, afraid she'd might fall or something would happen to her.

Hazel came closer to us, sitting onto the bed next to me. She kissed me and smiled at me. After that, she kissed our baby.

"She's so beautiful." she said soft, since the baby was sleeping.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, she is." I said and turned Hazel's face towards me, kissing her. "I love you."

Hazel smiled too and kissed me again. "I love you too."

I looked back at the baby and saw the nurses and the doctors standing there, watching us. "Is there something?"

One doctor had the courage to look at me. "We need a name, Miss, your father will announce it to the world."

I looked at Hazel. "We're taking that name? You sure?"

Hazel smiled and looked at our baby. "Yeah, I like that name."

I looked at the doctors and nurses. "Our baby's name is Gwen Witch-Wolf." I said, smiling at Hazel. "The Witch part comes first because Gwen's a witch."

The doctors and nurses nodded and left, probably telling my dad and mom, and the whole world.

I sighed happy and looked at Hazel. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Yeah." Hazel said and so I slowly gave Gwen to her. Hazel smiled while she was rocking Gwen in her arms. "She's so peaceful."

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, she is."

"So, what now?"

I looked down, I knew what I wanted to tell her, but I was scared. "Now, we rest."

Hazel nodded and came to lay next to me, she held Gwen in her arms until she was laying on top of us. "Sweet dreams, my precious babies."

I smiled and kissed her again. "Sweet dreams, babies."


Hazel's POV

The next day, I woke up and saw Fay already looking at me, but something in her eyes had changed. I smiled and kissed her. "Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, you look so beautiful when you're sleeping."

"Only when I'm sleeping?" I asked, smiling.

She smiled and nudged me a little. "You know what I mean."

I smiled and took Gwen in my arms but she started crying. "I think she's hungry." I said as I gave her to Fay.

"Yeah, it's possible." Fay said and pulled her shirt off, revealing her beautiful naked upper body. She let Gwen drink while she looked at me. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

I smiled. "You're beautiful."

She smiled and blushed. "Thanks, so are you."

I smiled before thinking about today. "We need to go see our parents with Gwen." I started to which Fay sighed but nodded. "And show her to the world."

Fay sighed more. "I don't want to do that."

I laughed a little. "Then what do you want to do?"

Fay laughed too. "I want to make another child." she said but quickly covered her mouth, she definitely said something she didn't want to say.

I looked at her, mouth dropped. "W-what?"

She sighed and looked down. "Hazel, I want another child. I need an heir to my throne as well."

I looked down and realized she was right, we had a witch daughter, we needed a wolf child too. "I know."

"So," she said as she lifted my chin up, making me look at her. "We're going for it?"

I looked her straight in the eyes. "I don't know, Fay."

"But you said - "

"I said I know we need to have another child, I never said I wanted another child."

Fay looked down and I saw some tears rolling down her face. "But I want to, and we need to."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." I said as I got up. I took Gwen and put her in her crib. "Come on, get ready." I said and got ready. Fay wiped away her own tears before getting up and getting dressed.


"Fay, Hazel! And this is little Gwen?" Fay's dad asked, he was smiling big.

Fay nodded, she pretended to be happy when in reality I could see through her mask, she was unhappy. I don't get her, why would she want to have another child right away? Let us first raise Gwen for a few years.

"Aww, she's so cute!" Fay's mom said, smiling while rubbing Gwen's little cheek.

"Yes, she is." I said and smiled at her, she's perfect. A perfect heir to the throne, my throne.

Fay's mom and dad looked at us. "And she's a witch?" her dad asked to which both Fay and me nodded. "When's the second child coming?" he asked to which I groaned, I was getting tired of this.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to have another child already." I said calm, I didn't want to show any disrespect.

"We need an heir to our throne too." Fay's mom said to which her dad nodded.

"I told her that too." Fay said soft, not looking at me, she was betraying me.

I looked at her, angry, how dare she say that here, in front of her parents? "I told you that I wanted to wait."

"Wait for what?" her dad asked, he was getting pissed, I needed to watch out.

"I don't know, I just don't want to rush things." I said and took Gwen in my arms. "We just had Gwen here, I want her to feel loved too."

"But she will." Fay's mom said, caressing my cheeks. "Even if you're having a second child."

I looked down, I wasn't going to win this discussion here, I need to get to my parents, they'll help me. I looked at Fay. "Let's go, my parents are waiting too." I said and left, Fay followed me into the limo and together we went to my parents.

Book I: An unwanted brideUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum