Chapter 5: I like her

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Fay's POV

After breakfast, Hazel went back to my room, she was going to take a nice bath. "I'll join you when I'm ready here."

She nodded and blushed. After that, she left.

"You really like her, don't you?" mom asked.

I was surprised to hear that, but she wasn't wrong, I did like Hazel. "So what if I do?"

Mom and dad smiled. "I told you you'd fall in love eventually." mom said to which I rolled my eyes. "It was the same for your father and me. And for Hazel's parents."

"It's a good thing though, that way your children will feel loved and secure." dad said.

I sighed deep and drank my coffee. "Alright..." I said and got up, I really wasn't up for talking to them much longer. And certainly not about this...

"Fay," dad said, making me stop. "We're really proud of you."

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks, but I'm just doing the right thing."

My parents smiled and let me go.

I went upstairs to my bedroom, got undressed and went to my private bathroom. I entered and saw Hazel enjoying the warm bath.

"Hey," I said to which she opened her eyes, and she started immediately blushing. "Mind if I join you?"

She shook her head no and made place for me.

I smiled and got in bath too. We sat there for awhile, just looking everywhere but each other. I was thinking about what my parents had said. I really did like Hazel, I really start feeling a lot for her.

I slowly looked at her and saw her looking at me too. I wonder if she feels the same...

I motioned her to come closer. She gulped but did. When she was close, I slowly kissed her. After that I smiled and turned her around, so she was resting onto me.

I smiled and closed my eyes, this I could get used to. Hazel took my hands in hers and intertwined our fingers. I slowly looked at her and saw her getting comfortable in my arms.

"I like you, Hazel."

She turned her head a little so she could look at me. "I like you too, Fay."

I smiled and pulled her close to me. "That's good." I said and kissed the side of her head.

After that amazing time in bath with Hazel, I felt like we were closer to each other. When we got out, she took a towel and wrapped us both in it. She also hugged me tight and kissed me again.

She's starting to get used to living her too. During meals with my parents, she's starting to speak up. Sometimes she'd even pay me a compliment when my parents were nearby. Or she'd kiss me whenever she felt like it.

My parents were happy to see her getting more confident, in their eyes it proved that she was ready to be my life partner. I hate the fact my parents only think about that. I'm sure that when Hazel and me have a child, they won't even look at Hazel anymore. She's just someone we need for a baby...

But I wasn't thinking that way of course! Over time, Hazel and me really got close. We cuddled more, we hugged more, we kissed more, we experienced love more...

When the one week was over, dad insisted Hazel and me to take a pregnancy test. We both had to do it since we didn't know who'd be pregnant.

When we both had done it, it turned out I was pregnant of her. Mom and dad were so incredibly happy, they had an heir to their throne. That's all they could think of, of course!

Hazel and me were so thankful and so happy. Every night since then, Hazel took me in her arms, telling me how much she liked me. Yeah, we haven't said the love thing yet...

She took such great care of me, I could never have imagined that. But I'm really thankful she's my wife and the mother of my child. I'm sure, we'll be together forever.


"Alright Fay, one more time." my personal trainer said. He was testing me and my wolf. Since I was going to be the Alpha one day, I had to practice a lot. At least 4 hours a day. But since I'm pregnant, I could only train 2 hours a day.

I breathed heavily. "I'm trying!" I said and went to lay down, I was exhausted.

Mom and dad came to me. "Are you alright, sweetie?" mom asked worried.

I looked at them and shook my head no. "I don't know, but I'd like to rest now."

"Of course, you can - "

"No, you need to practice more, Fay." dad said, interrupting mom.

"But honey, she's really tired, can't you see?" mom said to dad.

Dad nodded and looked at me. "Fine, you can quit now, but then you have to practice 3 hours tomorrow instead of two. Since you only have done half today."

"What?!" mom and me said in unison.

"But dad, I - "

"No buts, so what's it going to be?" he asked.

I groaned and got up. "I'll continue today." I said and changed back in wolf. My personal trainer made me practice several tricks, attacks, defends... He also made me an obstacle course, I had to run that every time I was practicing, it was getting to much.


When it was evening, I went straight to bed, I was so tired. I closed my eyes and wanted to sleep until I heard the door of my bedroom open.

I looked up and saw Hazel, she had a tray with her. "Hey baby." she said and went to sit down next to me.

"Hey." I said, trying my hardest to keep my eyes open.

She took the tray and place it on her legs. "I've brought some food for you and our baby." she said and smiled afterwards.

I smiled too and slowly got up. "Thank God, I'm starving!"

"I figured." she said and fed me the whole meal, she was so nice for me.

After the meal, I went to lay back down. "That was an amazing meal." I said, rubbing my belly. "I'm sure our baby will be happy with that."

Hazel smiled and put the tray away before laying next to me. "Why are you still training so hard? It's not healthy."

I sighed and nodded. "I know, but I have to do it." I said and went to lay in her arms. "I wish I could stop, I just feel my body resisting during practice because it's not good for me right now."

Hazel held me close. "I'll take care of it, baby."

I looked at her. "How?"

"Just trust me." she said and kissed me deeply. "Sweet dreams, baby."

I smiled. "Sweet dreams."

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