Chapter 6: Protective wife

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Hazel's POV

Everything went great. I was really getting used to live here, with Fay, with our baby... I can't believe we're having a baby. It went so fast.

I am thankful though, Fay's so nice. I knew I'd get an arranged marriage, but I don't mind as long as it's Fay. She's so nice and sweet, and I really like her a lot. I can see we both like each other, I wonder when we'll say the three special words...

I took great care of Fay ever since I knew she was pregnant, I just felt like that was my duty. After all, she's my wife, who's caring our baby. They both need to be safe.

And so seeing Fay last night, so exhausted, so weak... I can't let her continue the way she's doing right now. She needs to stop exercising, and fast.

This morning, when I woke up, I kissed Fay. I gently got up and got downstairs, I needed to talk to her parents.

"Good morning, Hazel." her mom said, smiling. "Where's Fay?"

"She's upstairs, still sleeping." I said and looked at both her parents. "I need to talk to you about something."

Both of them stopped with what they were doing, they gave me their full attention. "Sure, what's wrong?" her dad asked.

I took a deep breath before talking. "Fay was so weak, so exhausted yesterday because of the busy life she's having." I started, her parents seemed to know what I was talking about.

"Yeah, I know, I told her dad she needed a break but he insisted she finished her training." her mom said to which her dad rolled his eyes.

"She needs that training!" he said, raising his voice. "It's important!"

I looked away for awhile, thinking about a way to get through to them. "Listen to me, I'm her wife, so I get the final say." I started, I saw their faces change immediately, they definitely hadn't thought I'd say this. "I don't want my wife to practice anymore. Only 2 hours a week and only if she feels up for it. Her health and our baby's health is all that matters to me."

"Only 2 hours a week?!" her dad asked, raising his voice, standing up. "No way!"

"That really isn't a lot..." her mom said carefully, she wasn't agreeing with me.

"Fay's our child, we decided what she's doing!" her dad commanded. "Now leave!"

I took a deep breath and looked pissed of at them. "Listen to me, she's my wife, carrying my child. I decide for us right now!"

"How dare you?!" her dad shouted.

"Go away before we sent you back home!" her mom shouted.

I was getting so angry of them. "Enough!" I shouted and immediately my hands were on fire. "You two are going to leave my wife alone or I'll swear you'll regret it." I said in a pissed of tone.

They both gulped and nodded.

"See," I said, smiling. The fire was gone now. "That wasn't too hard, was it?"

They both shook their head no.

"I'll go back to Fay now." I said and took some things for breakfast and hurried back upstairs to Fay.


Fay's POV  

I woke up and saw Hazel was gone. I slowly got up and still felt weak, I was really dreading training now...

I walked to the kitchen, since I expected her to be there. And I was right, but she wasn't quite as she used to be.

"Fay was so weak, so exhausted yesterday because of the busy life she's having." I heard her say to my parents, it made me smile, she really cared about me.

"Yeah, I know, I told her dad she needed a break but he insisted she finished her training." mom said to which dad rolled his eyes.

"She needs that training!" he said, raising his voice. "It's important!"

Hazel seemed to be getting pissed. "Listen to me, I'm her wife, so I get the final say." She said and I hadn't expect her to say that. "I don't want my wife to practice anymore. Only 2 hours a week and only if she feels up for it. Her health and our baby's health is all that matters to me." I smiled at that, she was so caring.

"Only 2 hours a week?!" dad asked, raising his voice, standing up. "No way!"

"That really isn't a lot..." mom said carefully, she seemed scared.

"Fay's our child, we decided what she's doing!" dad commanded to which I gasped, how could he say that? "Now leave!"

Alright, now Hazel was pissed of. "Listen to me, she's my wife, carrying my child. I decide for us right now!" 

"How dare you?!" dad shouted.

"Go away before we sent you back home!" mom shouted, how could my parents be so mean to her, she was only being a really good wife.

But what happened next, I never could've predicted... Hazel got angry and shouted: "Enough!" and her hands were on fire. I was so scared now, I had never seen magic so close. I didn't know how to handle that. "You two are going to leave my wife alone or I'll swear you'll regret it." Hazel finally said, and I swear I saw my parents get so scared. They both gulped and nodded.

"See," Hazel said, smiling. The fire was gone now. "That wasn't to hard, was it?"

Both my parents shook their head no.

"I'll go back to Fay now." Hazel said and took some things for breakfast.

My eyes widened, I had to hurry back upstairs. I ran as fast as I could and, when I finally was in bed, sighed in relieve. 

It was then that I could think about what I had seen before. Hazel was so protective over me and our baby, but would she actually attack my parents? I think she tried scaring them away, which worked. I'm so glad I don't need to exercise anymore, my body really couldn't handle that anymore.

It was like she said, she'd handle it. And she did.

"Hey baby." Hazel said and entered the room. "I've brought you breakfast."

I smiled but couldn't get the image of her with fire on her hands out of my head. It was kinda scary actually. "Hey."

She sat next to me and looked at me. "You alright, baby?"

I looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine."

She smiled too and gave me some food. "Here, for you and our baby."

I smiled and ate, she wrapped her arms around me, holding me close. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much, after all, she was just protecting what she liked.

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