Chapter 4: Our parents

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Fay's POV

Alright, I have to admit, I was scared to experience love for the first time. Especially since I knew it was going to be with Hazel, someone younger than me. But she surprised me, she made me feel alive, she made my first time amazing.

After we were done, we were both breathing heavily. I was laying next to her, on the right side of the bed. I looked at her and saw her closing her eyes while her hands would go over her face.

"A-are you alright?" I asked breathless.

She looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, I was just... Trying to calm down." she said, breathing heavily. "Wow..."

I smiled at her, she really wasn't that bad. I liked having her around.

After awhile, our breathing was back to normal. "I hope it worked." I said, referring to what we had just done. "I hope we get pregnant."

She looked at me. "So do I."

I looked her right in the eyes, I was mesmerized by the way she was looking at me. Her stare so intense. "You have beautiful eyes."

She smiled a little and looked away. "Thanks, so have you."

I smiled at her. "So..." I said, I wanted to talk to her about something, but I didn't know about what. I looked around, and suddenly it came to mind. "Your parents," I started, making her look at me. "How are they really? Are they really that powerful as everyone thinks?"

"Well they're nice, I have a closer bond with my dad than with my mom. I think it is because he sees me as his heir to the throne..." she said and looked away. "They really are powerful, my mom was considered the most powerful witch."

"Even more powerful than your dad?"

She nodded. "That's why they got married."

I looked away. "That's also why we're married." I said to which I felt her looking at me. "We're both the most powerful. Our kids will be so powerful... They will be unbeatable."


I sighed. "I'm sorry you had to move here with me. I tried talking to our parents so that I could be the one that moved in with you. I know you need your parents and brother." I said and suddenly heard her sniffle. 

"I just miss them a lot."

I looked at her and saw her starting to cry. "Hey," I said and pulled her into me. "It's alright."

She hugged me tight and buried her face in my chest. "I have no one here."

"You have me."

She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "R-really?"

"Yeah." I said, smiling. "I'm your wife, of course I'll always be there for you." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you." she said and hugged me tight again, burying her face into my chest. "Thank you."

"It's alright, let's get some sleep, shall we?" I asked to which she nodded. "Sweet dreams, Hazel."

She looked at me and smiled. "Sweet dreams, Fay." she said and suddenly caressed my face and kissed me deeply. I hadn't received such a kiss yet. But let me tell you, I loved it.

After the kiss, I smiled at her and pulled her into me. Close together, we fell asleep.


I woke up, slowly opening my eyes. And when I did, I saw Hazel sleeping peacefully. She was still holding me close, her arms tight around me.

I smiled and pulled her closer to me, I felt protective over her, even though we don't know each other that much. I guess we have our whole lives ahead of us for that...

"Hey," I said, shaking her a little. "Wake up."

She groaned a little and buried her face deeper in my chest.

"Hazel, wake up."

"Mom, I don't want to..." she said sleepy.

I got pissed of that, no one was going to call me a mother until I had my own kids. I looked at her and took a deep breath. "Baby, wake up."

Hazel quickly opened her eyes and looked at me, she seemed surprised. "H-how did y-you just c-called me?"

I looked her deep in the eyes. "I called you 'baby'. Anything wrong with that?"

She gulped but shook her head no.

"After all, you are my baby." I said and pulled her closer, kissing her deeply. How I missed that feeling, it was amazing! Her soft sweet lips against mine, it made my world complete.

After the kiss, I didn't back away like I always did, instead I left my lips close to hers. I wanted to see what she'd do in situations like this.

"Uhm... Fay..."

"Yes, baby?" I whispered close to her lips.

She looked me in the eyes and afterwards back to my lips. Slowly, she caressed my cheeks and kissed me. I immediately wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

We were having a great make out session, our tongues greeting each other for the very first time, our hands feeling each other's bodies, our legs intertwined... It was amazing.

Unfortunately to all the good things comes an end. "Fay, Hazel, breakfast!" mom shouted from the kitchen.

Hazel pulled back, she looked down and blushed a lot. I smiled at her and kissed her lips once more. "That was amazing."

She looked at me and smiled. "R-really?"

"Yes, really." I said and kissed her again. "This is good."

She smiled and kept looking at me.

"We should get up and get dressed, they're waiting for us." I said, referring to my parents. Hazel nodded and started getting ready, and so was I.

We went downstairs, I held Hazel's hand in mine, wanting her to feel she wasn't alone here. I actually felt really protective over her, who'd knew I was going to care for her.

"Good morning, angels." mom said to the both of us, but only kissed me on my forehead.

Hazel and me sat down, quickly eating because we had used a lot of energy...

"So, did everything work out yesterday evening?" dad asked, referring to our duty of reproducing. I glared at him, how dare he ask stuff like that? But he kept looking, he wasn't ashamed.

I sighed. "Yes, everything worked out, now we have to wait."

"Well for how long?" he asked, as if I know.

"A week or so." mom answered instead of me. "Give it a week."

"That long?" dad asked to which mom nodded.

I looked at Hazel and saw her eating carefully, she was really afraid. I quickly wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. She smiled at me, and continued eating, this time less afraid.

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