Chapter 22:

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I starred down at him with wide eyes, nodding my head, as he slid on the ring. It had a enteral sign on it, that made me giggle, as he kissed my cheek. "I love you." he whispered. I smiled up at him, kissing his lips. I'm going to marry Stefan Salvatore, I'm going to be Andorra Salvatore? Huh, never thought of marrying him, but hey I'm not complaining.

"I love you too." as we drove home, I walked inside, and everyone was there. "What are you all doing here?" I asked, glad, but surprised. When I saw Jeremy in the corner, and Anna. Maryanne, a couple more vampires that are supposed to be dead. "Do you see them?" I pointed to the back, everyone looked back there, and they all gasped. "What the hell?" I gasped. "Jeremy?" my eyes filled with tears, same with Elena.

"Hi guys!" he smiled wide.

"What? How?" I asked.

"Silas." he smiled wider, I turned to Stefan, who had a blank expression as he was starring at someone. Then Lexi was infront of us, she was smiling at Stefan, and pulled him into a hug.

"Congrats you two!" she cheered, kissing his cheek, and hugging me. I laughed, noticing Stefan's face as he tried to hide his happieness. When another vampire, that caught my eye, it was Anna. She was one of my bestfriends, I let go of Stefan, and ran at her.

"I've missed you." I hugged her, she hugged back, and we both cried. "Still looking great dead!" I teased.

"Thanks." she blushed, "You and Stefan getting married?" she asked, I nodded showing her the ring, everyone seemed werided out by this, but I however enjoyed it. I got to see Jeremy, Anna, and Lexi. "That is an amazing ring! Jelous!" Anna giggled, I laughed, and pulled her into a hug again.

"I can't believe you are here!" I smiled, soon I was thrown against the wall, and I felt a pain in my side. "What the hell?" I screamed looking up, seeing an angery Katherine. Rubbing on Stefan's chest, I turned towards Anna who disappered. "I wouldn't do that to a hybrid." I hissed, attacking her, and she dogded me.

"I'm older than you!" Katherine hissed, I jumped back up, and changed into a werewolve.

'Well I'm a werewolve.' I mind told her, she seemed horrifed by my appearence, and zoomed out of there. I chased her down, until she was in the woods. I jumped on to her, biting deep into her neck, and drawing blood. I decided blood, I'm hungery as I sucked her wonderful blood.

"Get off!" she shouted, struggling against my grip on her arms, as I smelt her blood seeping out of her arms due to my claws digging into her arms. I laughed, getting off of her, and trieing to smile.

'Goodbye Katherine.' then I ran away, back to the Salvatore masion, where I shifted back, and got dresssed. I cleaned my face, due to Katherine's blood was on my face.

"How was hunting down Katherine?" Stefan teased.

"Interesting, she did taste to sweet for my liking." I laughed, he kissed my cheek, and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I love you." he mumbled.

"I know." I smirked, "I love you too." I laughed kissing his lips, after a while and our interesting events. I showed off the ring to Elena, Caroline, Damon, Matt, and Bonnie. Everyone was happy, Elena is my maid of honor, then is Caroline, and then Bonnie. Stefan's best man is Damon, then he has Matt, and sadely Elijah. It bother me, I wouldn't let it bother me, I smiled up at me, and kissed his lips. We zoomed to his room, where he pulled up my shirt, and blew on my belly. Tickling me! I laughed, trieing to kick him off of me! Damn him! "Stop!" I laughed, he did, and neared my face.

"You are amazing, you know that?" he asked, I rolled my eyes, and shoved him hard in the chest. Stefan smiled, nearing me, and kissing me. I held the back of his head, deepening the kiss, as his lips went down to my neck. He paused, running his hand over my vain. I smiled,

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