Chapter 23:

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Stefan's POV:

Today is the day. I woke up alone, I felt lonely last night, and it was cold. It was Caroline's idea, the groom, and bride must sleep apart the night before the wedding. Damon was taking a shower, while all the boys were in the livingroom, getting ready. Andorra, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie were at Caroline's house getting ready. I zoomed to my mirrior, I exmained my suit, and flatened it out. I ran some gel though my hair, I took in a nervous breath, and in walked Damon. "Hiya!" Damon smiled my way.

 "Hi." I answered, fixing my tie.

"Are you nervous?" he asked, sitting on my bed.

"Of course." I answered, "Could you make sure the other boys are ready?" I asked, he nodded, and walked out. While I was getting ready, I heard a zoom, and I turned around. It was Andorra. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you in you're dress?" I laughed.

"I'm not the bride." she said, gettting up, I noticed the darkness in her eyes, and realized that wasen't Andorra. It was Analiese. Freaky. "You want to know something?" she asked sitting down, I didn't answer. "I had bids on Damon, you wouldn't have been a vampire thanks to Katherine. Therefore never would've meant Andorra, I think you should say thank you." Analiese teased, messing with her long brown hair, that I missed so much on Andorra.

"That's nice." I answered, I don't want to talk to you. I thought. "Why are you here?" I asked her.

"I came to see my darling granddaughter get married." Analiese stood up, nearing me, and fixing my tie which I messed up trieing to mess with it eariler. "Is that a problem?" she asked, pouting out her lips, and her eyes big.

"I don't so." I shook my head, "As long as you don't try to kill the bride." I teased, Analiese rolled her eyes, and flipped her hair. Nearing my cheek, where she whispered.

"I'm jelous of her." she whispered kissing my cheek, then zooming downstairs. I took in a deep breath, before deciding I'm done. I walked downstairs, everyone was down there. The wedding was in our backyard, it was nice enough, and perfect. "Stefan!" Analiese shouted my way. "You look fancy!" she laughed, I noticed Damon's arm wrapping around her tiny waist. I think they may hook up during our wedding, but as long as she didn't try to kill Andorra.

"The bride is coming!" Caroline screamed, no one was there expect Caroline's mom, and Rebecca. Whom I thought was nice of her, I shook my head, and we walked down the aisle. Elena with Damon, Caroline with Elijah, and Bonnie with Matt. I waited, as I heard the soft music playing, and I looked up in time to see my beauitful bride nearing me. She was wrapped in a white silk, that made her seem flawless, her brown hair was pinned back in tight curls, the dress was long, and held her body perfectly.

She neared me, I saw a tiny blush appear on her tan skin, and I rubbed my hand on her cheek. "You look amazing." I whispered, she laughed, and looked down at the ground. Damon had found the pastor, compelled to do this for free, and forget about it. It took a few mintues, then it was over. I turned to Andorra, who bit her cheek. "I do." I whispered.

"And do you Andorra Gilbert take Stefan Salavtore to be your husband. To love, and to hold. Till death do you part?" he asked.

"I do." Andorra's brown eyes lit up, as we starred at each other.

"You may kiss the bride." he said, our lips neared, and this kiss wasen't like the others. But better, we both felt an electric charge as our lips meant. We pulled away, blocking out the cheers, and listening to each other's breathing. "I now pronuce you man, and wife." the pastor spoke, with that I threw her over my shoulder, and was zoomed inside.

We had a repestion, but me, and Andorra were in our little world. Whispering to each other, giggling, and kissing. For a tiny wedding, it was one of the best nights of my life, and same with Andorra. I saw her get up, and start dancing with them. When she forced me to dance with her, it was amazing. I couldn't believe that I was married, to Andorra. The woman that I meant soo long ago, I didn't think more of her, but tonight. She was my wife, Andorra Salvatore was her name now, and I was damn proud of it.

"Where are we heading to tomorrow?" Andorra whispered in my ear, her voice nice, and huskey. We needed to have first time marriage sex, right now. The look in her eyes, also said that we should do that.

"Where ever you're heart desires." I whispered, Andorra blushed, and kissed me. I grabbed her butt, holding the tight butt in my hand, and squeezing.

"Hey!" I heard Caroline shout.

"Not until we all leave, can you two do that!" Caroline laughed, Andorra blushed, and shrugged. Damn!

"I guess you'll have to wait." she teased walking away, I crossed my arms over my chest, and watched her dance.

"I guess you'll be getting action tonight." I heard Matt laugh, I laughed, and took a drink of jack.

"I guess so, what about you?" I asked. "Rebecca seem's pretty interested in you." I shrugged.

"Good point." he smiled, taking a long drink, and walking over to her. I laughed, and shook my head.

"How is you're wedding?" Damon teased.

"Great, what about you'res any furture plans?" I asked.

"Nope." he smirked, "But I am totally going to bone Analiese." I laughed. "what's funny?" he asked.

"She looks just like my WIFE." I laughed, Damon hit me in the arm, and shook his head.

"Seriously though, I'm proud of you." Damon hugged me, "Maryanne would be so proud of you." he whispered, bringing up our sister is a very touchy thing escapilly around Elijah. Who was currently chatting with Elena. Then the front door's flew open, and everything became hell after that.

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