Chapter 3:

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Damon's POV:

I watched Stefan downed his drink, he was drunk, and hurt. I frowned at my little brother, I decided to check up on Andorra, just so he could feel safe. I flew to her house, she wasen't there, but she was pulling out of her driveway. I followed her to mall, she was in a store with a window. I stayed on the window, she looked up at me, and gave a confused look. I smirked, even though she couldn't see it. I know why Stefan fell her, she was just a beauty, and had such a personitly. When she was broswing though items on the shelf, Andorra seemed to notice someone.

When she hugged that person, I knew damn it! I hissed, starring at the newbie vampire that was holding Andorra by the neck. The two seemed to know each other, but I swear if she hurt Andorra, she wouldn't know what was coming after her. Stefan, I, possibly Elena, Caroline, Klaus, and Elijah would hunt her down. Yes, everyone enjoy's Andorra's company, even Klaus which was werid. I kept my eye on her, as they were walking out, the newbie looked right up at me, and smirked. I opened my eyes wide with horror, she knew what she was doing, but she didn't know who she was messing with.

The two walked out, I followed Andorra, damn it! She was going to the newbie vamp's house, I followed them there, remerbering everything. They went inside, I managed to look in the window, and watch. Her parents were vampires, as well. But they were much older, Andorra just walked into a house filled with vampires, though she doesn't know it. The old her, would know, just by the way they all starred at her neck veins. I growled, knowing if they hurt her, I will come back after them. I watched the two girls wondered to the back room, when I felt something grab my neck, and jolt me back.

I changed back, starring at the two vampires before me. It was her 'mother' and her 'father' not really, they probably kidnapped the poor girl, and changed her. I starred at them, disgust bowling in my stomach. "And who are you?" the man asked, starring me down.

"I'm watching over Andorra." I grumbled.

"Why would you do that, she is a human. A waste." the woman smiled at her.

 "That is non of you're concern." I hissed her way, she scowled at me, before I felt a hand hit my cheek. I fell to the ground, zooming back up, and grabbing the man by the neck. "How old are you old man?" I asked him.

"Non of you're concern." he grumbled, I got annoyed, breaking his neck, he fell to the ground, the woman looked at me with horror. I grabbed her, breaking her neck as well. I walked away, to the back, and changed back into my form. I peeked into the window, Andorra was hunched over, I listened. She was crieing, talking about her family. Her friend, was nearing her neck, and her eyes were becoming red. I growled at her, she heard me, because she looked at the window. Smirking, I swear I will knock that smirk of her pretty little face.

Andorra got out of there, I flew over her, and followed her home. I landed on a branch, watching her, she stayed in her car. Just sitting, can't really tell you as to what she was doing in the car. But she stepped out, looking around, and starring directly at me. Then shook her head, as if tireing to convice herself that a bird wasen't stalking her. I smirked at the thought, when she got inside, I shifted back, and stayed a little while longer making sure no other vampire decided to show up. I then flew back to Mystic Falls, where I informed Stefan, leaving out the part of the vampire family after her.

"Are you sure?" he asked me.

"Yes, she seems alright, just dealing with her family." I nodded my head.

"Thank you Damon." Stefan pulled me into a hug, and then let go. "How's it going with Elena?" he asked.

"Great." I smirked, I was thinking of taking her to New York City, and getting out of here. I have a friend there, who might have information on Katherine. As I exited, leaving Stefan to himself, I went to get Elena. "Want to go somewhere with me?" I asked her.

"Where to?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

"A place every vampire should go once in there liftime." I flashed an old picture, I grabbed her hand, and we started our journey. I couldn't shake this feeling, that I shouldn't do this.

Andorra's POV:

I woke up, I don't want to go school today. I brushed my hair, it was still curling from the night before. I put some makeup on, gettting into a pair of skinny jeans, a loose shirt, and a pair of flatts. I swung my bag over my shoulder, running outside, and driving to the school. I pulled up to the buliding, I went inside to the office. "Hi." I greeted the front lady. "I'm Andorra Gilbert, new." I smirked.

"Oh right, here you are sweetie." she handed me my papers, "Do you have any friends here?" she asked, just then in walked Ella.

"Me." Ella sent me a smrk.

"Could you show her around?" the lady asked.

"Of course." Ella grabbed my arm, I sent the lady a smile, and we were off. I found my locker, which was next to the boys locker room, great. I rolled my eyes, me, and Ella pretty much have the same classes. So I sat near her, apperntly Ella is pretty popular, which makes me nervous. I always hated those girls, that thought they were better than everyone else. "Everyone this is Andorra, my bff since forever." Ella smiled, a boy that sitting there, caught my eye. A curly hair bloud boy, green eyes, and tan skin. "That's Trevor." she noticed me checking him out, I laughed, and felt my cheeks grow hot from embrassment.

"Everyone take a seat please." the teacher annouced. "You all know our trip to New York City is tomorrow at 5:30a.m." he then looked at me, "Ms.Gilbert, you uh gurdain already paid for you to join us." I sighed, thanking her right now, and smiled over at Ella.

"Yaa!" I cheered, but something the pit of my stomach was regretting that he ever said that. The day was a blur, until lunch I sat with Ella, and her group. That Trevor boy was starring at me, which made me blush worse.

"I'm Trevor." he greeted me.

"Uh, Andorra." I smiled up at him, he took a seat next to me, and we were starring at each other. "How old are you?" I asked him.

"18, you?" he asked.

"17, about to be 18 soon." I smiled at him.

"Awesome, have you ever gone to school here?" he asked.

"Nope." I frowned, "First day."

"Where did you come from?" he asked.

"Uh Mystic Falls, family trouble." I starred down at my tray, which was gross looking, so I gently shoved it away from me.

"Mystic Falls?" he questioned, "How did you make it out of there alive?" he asked, before getting hit on the shoulder by another person. "I mean, I heard it's a great place to live." Trevor smiled at me. What does he mean, how did I make it out of there alive? Did Ella already tell people about my family? No way, she wouldn't do that. I bit my bottom lip, sending a small smile towards Trevor, when I thought about him. Something else, no stracth that someone else came into my mind.

I could see myself, but not the other person. We were playing in the sprinkles, he grabbed my waist from behind, and lifting me up. I giggled, turning around, and kissing him. The kiss felt like fireworks, it was amazing. Who was this guy? I wondered coming back to real life, when a pain in my chest appeard, I shot up, and ran for the bathroom. I sat on one of the stalls, tears falling down my face, why am I crieing? I wondered, wiping away the tears. Why am I sad? Why do I feel so alone? All these questions were answered by my tiny voice, The answer is in New York City. What the hell? Is my dream guy there?

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