Chapter 6:

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Stefan ran back to the dinner, I stayed outside, hoping to find Elena, and Elijah. While I was wondering around, I noticed two people standing in an alley way. I frowned, crossing the street towards them. When Elijah's eyes landed on me, his eyes went wide. "Analiese?" he questioned.

"No." I laughed, "It's Andorra." I said.

"Andorra. Elena's little sister?" he asked, I nodded my head. There she stood, starring at me, a blank expression crossed her great features. I used always be jealous of Elena, she was always pretty. Her long, straight brown hair was always perfect, her makeup was always amazing, and her figure. I was totally jealous she got the good genes, but back to real life. I did a small wave to her, she however didn't seem to care, and I looked down at the ground. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came to stay with my sister." I said, looking back at her, and she smirked. I looked up at Elijah, with a pleading look.

"No one else knows you here?" he asked, I nodded, he moved aside so I can get near Elena.

"Elena?" I asked her. She turned to me, I knew it the Elena I grew up with, something in her eyes were different, they were cold. "I've missed you." I said, she nodded her head, and without caring I hugged her. Elena didn't hug back, instead stood there, and not moving. I pulled away, tears rolling from my eyes, and wiping my eyes. I nodded my head, nearing Elijah, who looked sad for me. I slid down the brick wall, pain, sadness, and confusion had hit me head on. I cried into my hands, I want my old Elena back, I want her back. I will throw a fit if that is what I must do, I started to punch my head, and pull out my hair.

When I felt a hand on mine, I looked up, and Elijah was sitting next to me. "It's okay." he whispered, keeping an eye on Elena. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

"No." I cried,

"Talk." he demanded.

"Fine, after Katherine killed Jeremy, Elena, and I we gave up. Stefan made Damon make me forget everything, and made Elena turn off her humanity." I cried, Elijah looked at me like he just ran over a puppy.

"Katherine killed Jeremy?" he asked.

"What you didn't know that?" I asked, wiping my nose with my sleeve, I know mature, but hey I'm sad. "That didn't surprise me." I said, he hugged me, and got up. Talking to Elena, I blanked out, and starred out into the streets. Whenever a brunette caught my eye, she turned my way, and we made eye contact. It was like looking in a mirror, expect I could see why we had little differences not many. Her hair was in tight curls, they looked natural, and she had a way different style than me. It looked like she liked dresses, like springtime dresses.

The girl starred at me, then turned her head, and kept walking. Why didn't she come over here, and talk to me? I would like to know my doppelganger, but whatever. I turned to Elijah, when I noticed Katherine. Elena yelled something, Katherine snapped her neck, out of panic, I jumped up, and neared body. Crieing, and screaming more. When I felt a pair of hands, on my head, and twisting. "Stop." I heard a feminine voice shout. Katherine let go of me, backing away, and I was on the ground next to Elena. When I looked up, there she was, and starring down at me. "Come with me." she demanded, I looked down at Elena, before getting up. "If you touch my doppelganger's head, once more sister, I will not hesitant to kill you." she threatened, taking me away.

"I'm sorry." she whispered.

"No big deal." I said, wiping my eyes. "Thank you for saving me, if it wasen't for you I would be a vampire right now." she laughed at that setting me on the ground, and sitting next to me. "What is you're name?" I asked her.

"Analiese." she smiled. "But you can call me Ana." she winked.

"Andorra." I smiled.

"I know." Analiese nodded her head, I gave her a confused look. "I've been watching you, your whole life. Making sure you stay safe, I'm not like my sister. I won't tourte you, I actully kind of like you." Analiese teased.

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