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It took us 10 minutes to get to the club and 5 minutes just to get past all the damn people. Sometimes I really hate the paparazzi. They are so annoying.

We are finally walking to the door. I was the first one so I opened the door and instantly was engulfed by the smell and music. I walked in and listened to the loud music. Right now there playing Neon Lights - by Demi Lovato.

I walk away from my friends and brother, through the dancing sweaty people to the bar. I sit next to this guy. He has black slightly curly hair, and really pretty light blue eyes. He's wearing black boots with black jeans, A white shirt, and a black leather jacket. Let me tell you. He is H. O. T. Hot!

My thoughts where interrupted by the bartender saying "What can I get you?"

"Whiskey, please."

"Coming right up." And the next thing I know it's right in front of me. I never know how they move so fast. you know?

"Are you sure that's not to strong?" The hot guy says will chuckling.

"I really don't care I need it." I say to him. I put it all in my mouth and swallow. I'll never get used to the burning. "Can I get another one?" I ask the bartender.

"What's your name? Mines James." The bartender says.

"Ariel" I simply say. While I finish my second one. Now I'm on my third. Oh and may I worn you I don't drink very often so I get drunk pretty fast.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl!" James said with a grin.

"Thanks" I say grinning back.

"I'll be right back." He winked at me and left.

"He's not very good at flirting is he?" The hot guy beside me ask.

"Nope" I said while laughing a little.

"What's your name?" He asked with his  beautiful smile.

"Ariel. You?" I say smiling back.


"I like that. Your name matches your personality."

"Thanks. You have a pretty name yourself. Little mermaid." He said grinning. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Thank you. So Damon why are you here tonight if you don't mind me asking?" I say drink another shot of whiskey. I think I've had 4 or 5 I'm not sure, and I already feel drunk.

"No reason. I come here every night."

"Oh okay, your one of those people." I say knowing very well I sound like a 2 year old probably.

He chuckled and said "yeah, I'm one of those people. What about you? Why are you here?"

"Me and my friends came as a group and because I broke up with my boyfriend." I drink three more shots then continue talking. "Which isn't that bad because he's a jerk and I don't even like him. I have no clue why I even started to date him." I say on my 9 drink. I lost count. All well.

"Why did you to brake up?"

"Well it's a lot of things. 1) he cheated. 2) I don't love him. 3) he's always gone on tour. 4) I actually think he's cheated more than once I just didn't want to believe it. And 5) I like someone else." I said.

"He cheated? That doesn't surprise me."

"You know I really don't care. I'm gonna drink like ten more shots and tell him to fuck off!" I slurred and did exactly that. I had like 12 more shots.

"I'm gonna go find Luke!" I slurred and stood up. Woah I almost fell over. That's not good. I told Damon good bye and walked over to Maddy and the and the others.

"Where is Luke?" I said with a little bit of slur as I leaned against Ashton.

"He's over there. But Ariel I don't think-"

I cut Ashton off bye saying "oh shut your pie hole Ash!" Putting my hand over his mouth and walking away.

I walk over to where Ashton said he was and after a minute I saw him.o saw him with that fuck ass slut he cheated on me with. That bitch is gonna pay! So maybe I care that he cheated but I don't care about him.

I walk over to the two of them and slap her across the face. Really hard. So hard She feel to the ground. Luke looked at me with shock on his face. So I slapped him too, just as hard. The girl stands up and says "what's your problem bitch?!?"

"You want to know what my problem is? Well let me tell you. YOUR my problem!" Then I take my drink and throw it in her face.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!?" She yelled looking at me.

"Listen here you slut. You don't ever come near Luke again or it will be a HOLE  lot worse! Got it?" I said with my face inches away from hers. Luke and everyone around was watching but I don't care!

"Are threatening me?"she said in her horrible voice. That to be honest sounds like a dying cat.

"Ugh yeah, I am. What are going to do about it?"

Then she slapped me and it was over. We weren't just slapping each other anymore. We were on the ground punching and pulling each other's hair.

Someone came up and pulled us apart. It took Liam and Louis to pull me off of her. Luke was holding that big ass slut back. While Louis carried me outside.

Louis set me down outside. Liam came out and said "you need to calm down! Your drunk and you just beat the living shit out of that girl!"

"That's not a girl! She's a slut get it right!" I said and walked away from him. And that was definitely not the brightest idea. I fell into Louis arm and everything went black.

(A/N) Hey people and Maddy!

Dun dun duhhhh!!!! Ariel beat the living shit out of someone. Oh I'm so mean. All well! Children don't drink when your pissed off! Nothing good comes from that.

She passed out from all the alcohol. In Louis arms how cute! But off course Liam had to take it way to serious and treat her like a 5 year old. To be honest, he just being a big brother.

So hope you enjoyed this chapter. The big chapter 6! Dun dun duhhhh!!! Minion power!!!

All the love. -A

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