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• Ariels point of view •

Once we got to the mall it was crowded with fan girls. 'God sometimes I hate my brother being famous.' I thought to myself. Did you know that some fans like to stalk not only the boys but there family members to. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it is a tad bit weird to be completely honest. You know what also doesn't help is MY JOB! Because I'm a actor. Which doesn't help with all the fans and stuff.

We got out of the car with are hoodies and sunglasses on as we walked bye the screaming fans. I didn't stop like I normally do to take pictures and do autographs. Because there are just way too many of them.

Once we are in the mall Maddy turns to me and says "why?"

"Why what Mad?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"Why do you have to be so famous and your brother and your boyfriend? I love you but one day those fans gonna kill me for knowing you!" She said and I couldn't hold in my laugh.

"I'm sorry you have to live such a terrible terrible life Maddy." I said sarcastically. She just rolled her eyes and chuckled. Maddy turned around and started walking with me right beside her.

We've been at the mall for maybe 2 hours. I had girls and guys asked me for the occasional autograph and picture but that's about it. Two of the guys that came up to me ask if I could give Liam there number. I just died laughing. Not in front of them of course but you get what I'm saying.

We have been at the mall for three hours and the boys should be done recording bye now. Unless they just didn't pay attention to what Paul said or those girls were 'distracting' them. Shhh I never said that. Hehe. But seriously that could be a possibility. Just saying.

We get to the car past all the fans. Once in the car we start on are way to the studio to see if the boys are there or not. We get to the studio and see that the van is still here.

"I guess there not done yet." Maddy said while turning the car off.

"Hmm I guess so." I said and getting out of the car. We walk through the parking lot with a hole lot of paparazzi and fans. We duke are heads and go in.

We walk through this long hall way to get to the boys room. I'm about to open the door when I hear them talking.

"What do you mean yall aren't coming back to London before we start the tour?!" I hear Liam say and all the boys say yeah at the same time. I hear someone else but it sounds like there on speaker phone. So I can't really tell what there saying. I open the door every so slightly so I could hear better and told Maddy to be quite.

"I'm saying that we have something's to take care of before we leave. So we checked and we  all just agreed to meeting you guys in America." The voice said. It sounds like Luke?

"She's going to be heartbroken you know that right?" Harry said

"Yeah I know. Just tell her I'll see her soon." Luke said

"Okay, will do Luke." Liam said "And don't have to much fun without us." He said while everyone chuckled and agreed.

"Yea okay, Liam. bye." Luke said. All four of the boys said 'bye' and with that they hung up. I close the door very quietly and look at Maddy. She has a sympathetic look on her face.

"I won't see Luke for another week?!" I said more upset than I should be.

"Hey it's only a week." Maddy said and had a slight smile on her face. Which you could tell it was totally fake. Maddy doesn't like Luke,Ashton, Michael, or Calum. I don't know why she won't tell me.

"But Maddy I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and he said he was coming back in 2 days. But that clearly isn't happening." I said almost in tears. I shouldn't be. But I am.

"Baby child! You listen to me. People lie. And maybe he was coming back in 2 days but something may have come up. That's really important. Okay?" She said with a weird little attitude when she said baby child.

"Yeah. Whatever you say my lord." I said. And with that I was back to my normal sarcastic funny self. Me and Maddy just busted out laughing. We where both on the floor holding are sides laughing. Once we caught are breath and stood up. We walked in the room.

All the boys heads turned to us at the same time. 'Well that was creepy.' I thought to myself. I went and sat down in between Niall and Louis. While Maddy sat by Harry on the love seat and Liam sat on the arm of the couch by Niall.

You wanna know a secret? Sometimes I wish my brother was guy just so he could be together with Niall. Because they would make such a good couple. But no he keeps going back and forth with Sophia. To be honest. I don't like that chick. But I can not interfere with there relationship just like he can't with me and Luke.

Harry still doesn't have any balls. Because he's to chicken to ask out the girl he likes. Niall likes food more than anything. And he told me once that he just hasn't met anyone he clicks with. You know what I mean?

Then there's Louis. The guy I've had a crush on since the day I met him. He had been with Eleanor so I didn't want to enter fear. I like Eleanor she was really nice and sweet. three months after I got together with Luke. Louis and El broke up, and still are. I don't think there getting back together ever again. Which is sad and good at the same time.

"Ariel are you listening to me?!" Niall said while waving a hand in front of my face.

"No sorry. What did you say?" I asked looking at him with a guilty look on my face. I just know what he's going to tell me. He's gonna tell me I not going to see Luke for another week.

"What I said was..... Where do you wanna go eat cause I'm starving." He said.


Chapter 2 everyone!

I don't really have anything to say. Haha.

So I just gonna say hope you enjoyed it. Vote and comment feedback!!!

All the love. -A💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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