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~5 hours later ~

I woke up an hour ago. We are still on this horrible plane. I just want off that's all I ask. We have 10 more minutes before we land.

Liam and Louis are still asleep. I haven't woke them up yet. Which I should but I won't. The only reason is because Liam would want me to so I'mma do the opposite. Hehe.

From what I can see is Niall is eating. Of course. And Harry and Maddy are making out or just talking really close. Hell if I know.

"The plane will be landing. So please ladies and gentleman put your seat belts on and put your devices up. So we can land safely and smoothly. Thank you. Have a great day!" The women said over the intercom. Liam is slowly starting to wake up so I decided to wake Lou up.

I tapped on his shoulder and said "Louis get up the plane is about to land." Louis groaned and rubbed his eyes. Then yawned. Which made me yawn. I really hate how yawning is contagious. It's really annoying.

We got off the plane and there are a lot more fans than usual. It's 11 o'clock at night. How long have these girls been waiting out here?

Me and Liam where taking a picture when ran away from him to ask the fans some questions that I had. Don't judge!

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked a girl with a 5sos/1D shirt on. She was really pretty. She had long eyelashes, high cheek bones, and big pink lips that looked natural. Her hair was down to her waist and it was as red as the little mermaids. In Ariel the little mermaid.

"Hazel!" She said with a big smile.

"Well hazel I have a couple questions for you. You don't mind answering do you?" I asked with a smile on my face as well.

"You have a beautiful smile! And nope I don't!" She said with excitement.

"Aw, thank you so do you! First question. How old are you?"

"I'm 18 and thank you!"

"Second question, how long have you been waiting out here?"

"Ever since you guys boarded the plane!" She said and I was shocked. These girls me Business man!

"Okay this question is very important so I want you to answer it very carfully. Got it?" She nodded. "How would you like to spend a day with us?" I asked and I counted down from three so she could process the question. 3. 2. 1. She started screaming after I said 1. I'm good at this.

"OHMYGOD!!! I would love to!!!!" She said while crying. I heard someone chuckle behind me. I turned around and there stood......

"Oh my god! Paul!" I said then hugged him.

"Hey baby girl. you miss me?" He asked while laughing lightly. Paul is the most amazing body guard ever. He's more like a dad to me than a body guard. Which he calls me his baby girl because he says that he wasn't to adopt me. We let go and Paul looks at me and says "what are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I haven't done anything." I said and turned around and told Hazel to come with me.

"Ariel you know we have to talk to management before we do stuff like this." Paul said

"I know I know, I'm doing it anyways. Even if management gets pissed off!" I said

"Your almost as stubborn as Louis." He said then walked off. I smiled knowing that I won! When ever management talks me I can't do something. I either go and do it myself or I stand there in front of Simon and give him very good reason why it would help the boys. So I always get what I want. Even though there is one person that I can't get my way with. Which anything I do is to help the boys. That person is Liam.

Liam Payne's twin sister/✔️Where stories live. Discover now