Knowing him for all the 26 years of his life, Esther could sense immediately what he was being bothered by. She didn't even have to look at him, she could tell by the silence. "Don't worry about her, she's used to it. Plenty of people say mean things about her, it what happens when you get famous. And from the way she was playing tonsil tennis with you back there, I doubt she blames you."

He hoped the teasing would stop but he doubted it would come anytime soon. Not wanting the jibes to continue just then, he left the table to go to his room.

"Hope you have sweet dreams of your darling Kirstie!"

Oh how he loved his sister.

His sleep was restless. He couldn't quite get the thought of the pain he may be causing her out of his mind. He was indirectly hurting her and he could do nothing about it. He thought about posting something on his website but he went against it as he didn't want to say anything with out consulting her first. He considered going to ask Esther for her number but that was sure to end in her unbearable teasing and besides, he really should talk to her in person.

Avi managed to sleep on and off for about four hours before he got up feeling defeated. Esther was good with anything that wasn't about his relationships, she just joked to avoid thinking about her brother's romantic exploits. There was only one person he trusted to give him sane advice in this situation and he was only a phone call away. He pulled out his phone and rang Kevin

The cellist didn't pick up. It was lunchtime so he probably wasn't up to anything too important, he would call back when he was free. In the meantime, he powered up his battered old laptop to see if anything new was happening. He checked his website first and was shocked to see the large increase in his visitor statistics over the last few hours. He'd probably earn more from the adverts on his website in those hours than he had the entire month. Luckily, he had never enabled any kind of commenting system so his site was at least not flooded with negativity from her all too passionate 'fans'. Avi then attempted to navigate his way through her social media accounts but he wasn't well versed in how to use them so all he found out was who she was following. The lack of sleep forced him to grumpily give up his attempt at figuring out Instagram and he impatiently pulled out his phone to call Kevin once more. This time, he picked up.

"Hey, how's it going?"

Avi very audibly sighed down the phone. "You know Mystery Girl?"

"Yeah?" He could hear the anticipation in his voice.

"Well we sort of - hung out last night."

"Oh Avi, please tell me you didn't do something un-holy on the first date." Usually Avi would laugh at that remark but not today, he was too frazzled.

"No, no, no. That's not the problem here man."

"Thank goodness. Then what's tearing you up? Is she awful or something?"

"She's perfect." He said a little too quickly. "Er this is going to sound stupid."

"I'm all ears. You'd know I'd do anything for you." Kevin had stuck with Avi through thick and thin. Even when all their other friends started to become big shots in the city, Kevin had chosen Avi over them. They were Kevin and Avi. The best bro-mance the city had ever seen.

"Well turns out she's like this big Broadway person and people think she's dating her co-star but this morning she posted a picture of me and now everyone is hating on her."

"Has she deleted the picture?"

"I don't think so." He wouldn't know, he couldn't figure out where it was.

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