"I guess I have to be." Enya said fidgeting.

Sonja stepped away and turned, Enya's eyes went straight for the test, there was her answer. The two pink lines told her everything she needed to know. She abruptly turned and walked straight to the kitchen.


Enya hated doctor's offices. She despised being at them. It was always so cold, so sterile. She felt like she was a big specimen for them to watch.

She also hated not being listened to, that was always the main problem. If she had concerns, she hated being brushed and rushed off.

Dr. Segal wasn't like that though and was precisely why she'd chosen him as a gynecologist.

"Hey Enya," he said with his big, bright smile,"so what brings you to my neck of the woods?" He said flipping open her chart.

"Ah, so you're going to be a mama." He said taking his pen out of his pocket, clicking it open and jotting something down.

Usually she enjoyed how chipper of a person he was but today was not the day. "I see. I just want to know how considering I have an IUD in place to prevent this."

He smiled reassuringly, "Welp, we're going to find out and then discuss your options, go ahead and lie down for me."

After the exam, Dr. Segal explained that the IUD had dislodged itself and that was how she ended up pregnant. He said based on her last cycle, she was probably around five weeks along but that he wouldn't be sure until an ultrasound was done a little later into the pregnancy. He then mentioned the possibility of terminating but Enya declined rather quickly.

She left his office with the answers she'd been looking for, a new mother's packet and an appointment for an ultrasound in three weeks.

The next two days went by in a blur, she'd tried to work through the nausea but she couldn't. She left for the hotel she'd been staying at to go rest.

Cato had called numerous times, voice mails and texts clogged her screen. She just couldn't bring herself to call him.

She stepped off the elevator and immediately spotted him. He was frantically walking towards the elevator when he spotted her too.
He looked ragged, his unshaven face haggard from no sleep. Relief flooded his eyes at that moment.

She wanted to close the elevator door and hide from him. She wanted to but didn't. Instead, she stepped out and walked towards him.

"Enya, thank God. You're alright, no call, no text." He began.

"Yes I'm okay. I'm fine. I need to talk to you." She said seriously.

Cato nodded and followed her outside. He tried to take her hand but she moved it. She didn't want to feel his touch, she couldn't. He looked hurt but shook it off.

They got into the car and began driving towards the hotel. "Can you take us to our house?" He asked the driver, who nodded and began heading in that direction.

They sat there in uncomfortable silence, Enya trying to build the courage to tell him and to get the answers she needed.

Each second that passed, the more angry Cato appeared to be, worry had all but disappeared from his face when they pulled up to their place.

Once inside he exploded. "Did you not think?! Couldn't you have least called me and said you were okay? For God's sake Enya! You disappear right after someone breaks into your old apartment. Here I thought, great she's mad but I'll make it right to her when she comes--"

"Cato, I'm---" she said looking down

"Oh no you don't! I get to yell! I'm not finished. Three damned days you were gone, alive and well, and you didn't think that maybe I'd worry myself to death--"

"Cato I'm pregnant." She said loudly.

He paused, dumbstruck by what she'd said. He stood there, just taking in the news.

"I'm pregnant and I'm keeping it. I didn't call because I've been trying to figure out how to tell you. I know that you still have feelings for Amanda so if you'd--"
"Don't. Don't even mention her name. I've told you before, I feel nothing for her. I'm in love with you. It's you who keeps looking for ways to gear us apart. I'm in love with you and will always be in love with you. If you're mad because of what I told Welsh, I promise it wasn't because I love her." She said walking closer to her.

"Promise me, because I can't do this if it's not real between us." She said on the verge of tears.

"I promise Fire Cracker. You'll never have to worry about her as far as I'm concerned. You're my everything." He said wrapping his arms around her.

They stood there for what seemed like hours before she finally said, "Cato, I'm fucking pregnant."

"Yes, I figured that out the first time you said it. You know what? I thought I'd be scared. I'm not, I'm amazed that you're growing a human. Our baby, our baby is inside of you. It makes me love you even more. When you said that you were keeping it, I knew right then that we were going to figure this out."

"Doesn't this all seem like too much? The break-ins, the wedding, planning the reception, Amanda, and now a baby?" She said looking up at him with worry.

He smiled and kissed her forehead, "We're going to get through all of this. I have faith. I love you Enya and I'll prove to you everyday this is all going to be worth it."

He lifted her up and carried her to their bedroom.

"That was pretty convincing Slick" she said as they lay there, limbs entangled.

"I tried my best Mrs. Slade." He said tracing light circles on her stomach. A moment later he placed his whole hand on her abdomen. "I still can't believe there's a baby in there."

"Oh yeah, well believe it. Trust me, I've spent everyday since I found out puking my guts up. There's a little person in there giving me hell."

Cato wasn't listening to her though, he went back to tracing circles and looking at her stomach with adoration.

The love that was so clearly etched in his eyes made her fall for him all over again.

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