Chapter 33

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I walk into what I like to call "The Throne Room." I see Aro sitting on a giant throne. Dramatic much? He speaks first.
"Mrs. Cullen, how nice of you to join us. I hope you see why we've brought you here. A talent such as yours should not be wasted. We have great use for it here." I simply nod my head. Aro cuts to the chase. "Lily will be teaching you to use your gift. Every morning at eight until I'm satisfied. Yes?" I nod again. "Are you a mute girl? Did you never learn how to speak?" I think about saying, "If I open my mouth, I'll vomit from looking at your face." But that would get me into trouble. Instead I say, "Of course I can speak. Terribly sorry." He nods, which I take that I'm not being punished. I start to walk out when he says, "Lessons with Alec and Jane every day at two." I simply say "Yes." And walk back to my room. It doesn't take long for Alec and Jane to appear.
Jane looks at me and says, "So I guess we'll be doing mostly vampire history. Do you know everything about math and stuff?" Of course. "Yes. Of course." I say. But then I have a question. "Who is Lily?" I ask. Both twins smile. Alec is the one who speaks. "Marie is a nice vampire. She can sense what anyone is thinking, anywhere, if she is familiar with them. Her gift is yours. You just have to learn to use it. Although I warn you, she can be strict. She will probably be easy on you though, because you are half human. She says she's a half blood, whatever that means." "I'm afraid." I whisper.
Jane and Alec comfort me. Jane says "I would be too." And then she hugs me. Alec says, "We will help you get through whatever happens." And he hugs me also. I smell his scent. It smells good. Like, pine and apples.
Jane has to leave, but Alec stays. It's already nearing dark. Alec stands up. I don't want to be alone. As if he senses this, he asks me, "Will you take a walk with me?" I nod. He offers a hand to help me up, which I gladly take. Surprisingly, we go outside.
"Alec? Do you go outside a lot?" He shakes his head. "No. Not even usually to feed." Shivers run down my spine, because I remember the Volturtis' diets. Alec looks a bit panicked. "Oh! I'm sorry. How insensitive of me! I actually do not feed as often as you think. I hate feeding on humans." I sigh. "Alec? Then why don't you hunt animals?" I ask. He sighs also. "I'm afraid to lose my position in the Volturti. If I lose it, Jane and I cannot be together. She is my twin, my other half. Our bond has gotten stronger since we became like this." He says. I feel sad. I don't even have a family, let alone a sibling. As if he can read my mind, Alec puts an arm around me. "I will be your family." He says.
The next morning, Alec hands me a sausage biscuit and leads me to the Lily women. We get to the door of the room I'm supposed to practice in. Unexpectedly, he kisses my head. "Good luck." He says.
I walk into the room to see a beautiful women. Her skin is pale of course, and her hair is a beautiful dark red. " I am Lily. I will teach you to control your gift. It will not be easy. You must work hard." She says. "Yes ma'am." I say.
Ten minutes later, we begin. Consecrate. I tell myself. I close my eyes and imagine Lily. Her face. Her brain. I imagine myself entering her brain. I get a glimpse of two little girls. "You're a freak Lily!" One yells. "I'm telling mummy!" Then I'm back in the chair.
"Very good." She says. "Why don't we try again?" I nod. I close my eyes again. This time I see a boy with greasy black hair sitting beside the red headed girl. "Lily, I must tell you something." He says. "Anything Severus." She answers, looking at him. "My mum is a vampire!" He blurts out. "Oh Sev! I know it must be hard! I'll still be here though. No matter what." She says, hugging him.
Then I'm kicked out of her memories. I glance at the clock. Has it truly been two hours already? "Lily. This man, Severus, he was half vampire! He can tell me about it!" I yell. She sighs. "Maybe another day. Concentrate on this for now. You can go." So I leave to go tell Jane and Alec what happened. But I barely make it to my bedroom before I fall asleep.
I wake up I don't know how long later to somebody gently shaking me. By the scent, I know it's Alec. "Alec! I'm still tired!" I moan. I open my eyes and look at his face. He actually looks worried. "How long were you in there?" He asks. "I dunno. Two hours?" I say then yawn.
He winces. "I think an hour is long enough for the first day. I came to check on you and you were sleeping on your bed." I yawn again. He pulls me into his arms. I lean into his chest. "We'll start on our lessons later. Just sleep for now." He says. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Please don't leave." I say. He smiles. "Never." He says.

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