Chapter Three (Bella)

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"Alice?" I asked. "You're calling so soon? Wait a sec, What did you see?"
"Get yourself, Charlie, and Renesmee out of there! Call me then," she commands.
Charlie already left for work, so I get Renesmee dressed in record time, grab her bag, and run fast as I can to the Cullens.
I didn't smell Edward or Tanya, so I figure it was safe. When I walk inside, Alice launches herself into my arms. "Thank gosh your okay!" She says.
Alice must have seen something bad. "Alice? What did you see?" I ask. Alice hesitates before answering.
"Well Bella, I saw Edward and Tanya burning down your house with you and Renesmee in it."
Shocked, I ask, "A-Alice? Would he really do that? Does Tanya have a power?" Alice looks upset.
"I can't see Tanya in my visions Bella. Either she has a power or-" Then it hits me. "Alice," I interrupt. "Are there werewolves in Denali?" Alice goes into deep thought.
"You're a genius Bella! When we lived in Denali, there was a man talking to Kate. He didn't smell like a human, but now I realize it was werewolf smell!"
"We should tell Carlisle. He would want to know." I say. So we go up to Carlisle's study. "Bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't think Edward would ever love Tanya in a million years. It's not your fault, and you can still stay here. In fact, after Alice's vision, I think you should," He says sadly.
"Thank you very much Carlisle. I might take you up on that. Right now though, Alice and I have some information for you," I reply. "Yes, please tell me," He says calmly. Carlisle always manages to be calm somehow.
Alice is the one who speaks. "I remember that when we were living in Denali, Tanya was talking to a man I didn't recognize. He didn't smell human though. I had forgotten what werewolves smell like, so I didn't recognize that he was one," She reports.
"Very good Alice," Carlisle praises her. Before he can say anything else however, Alice interrupts. "Actually, Bella came up with the werewolf idea," Alice says. "Oh. Then very good Bella," Carlisle says to me. If I could still blush, I'm sure I would be.
"I actually have some information for you also," Carlisle says. "You see, Tanya was always very beautiful. I know vampires can't change, but it seemed as if she was getting more beautiful as time went on. I think this was her power developing over time." At this, Alice gasps. "Thank you for the sound effects Alice," Carlisle laughs.
"As I was saying, I think her power developed over time, and she just finished developing it." I'm confused. "So what is her power?" I ask. "Well," Carlisle says. "I think it is seduction. Look girls, I know I just dropped a bomb on you, but I've been experimenting on a secret project, and I need to finish it. I don't mean to be rude. I'm sorry, but goodbye. Bella, you can have Edward's room."
So we leave. "Don't worry Bella. We'll protect you. We're still family," Alice says.
Several days later, Carlisle calls us into the kitchen for a family meeting. "This is important, so listen up," He begins. "I think I've found a way for vampires to become human again."

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