Chapter 28 (Renesmee)

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I wake up to bright sunlight in face. I wince. Jake must notice because he flicks my sun visor down, and says "Good morning Nessie." "What's good about it?" I grumble. He laughs "Not a morning person?" He asks. "No." I answer. Then I realize something. "Didn't you sleep at all Jake?" I ask. "No" he answers. Before I can say anything, he says, "But Liam is taking over in an hour. Then I'll sleep." That makes me feel better. Until then, Jake and I talk about our future. "What kind of house do you want to live in?" I ask. He thinks about it for a minute. "I want a house that's secluded from everyone. It needs to have woods around it. I'd like it to be two floors, and each kid gets their own room. And a pool. What do you want for a house?" "Basically what you want, but with a big kitchen to cook in, and a willow tree. I also want it to have lots of windows. I answer.
By the time we know we want one of our girls to be named Faith, it's time for Liam to start driving. We stop at a rest stop, and at my first step out of the car, I fall. My arm scrapes against the black top, deeply cuting and scraping it. It starts to bleed. Actually pretty badly. Jasper is the first to get back in the car. Then Alice follows him. Rose looks ashamed, but gets in the car. Then grandma gets in the car, apologizing all the way. Grandpa got his stuff, and starts to clean my wound. Jake grabs my hand, and Emmett pats my back. Eventually, he can't even stand it, and gets into the car. Then Liam is the one to rub circles on my back. After a while, Carlisle is finished. He tells me to keep it wrapped up, and Liam takes over driving. Jake tries to pull me into the back with him, and I tell him that he won't sleep. " I don't care. " he says, and pulls me into the back seat.
Liam starts to drive, and Jake kisses me. "Is this why you wanted me back here Jake?" I ask, pretending to be upset. He tries to start a sentence, but I cut him off by kissing him. We sit like that for a while, our mouths pressed against each other. He wraps his arms around my waist, and I wrap my arms around his neck. We kiss and kiss, but eventually pull away for two reasons. One, my lips were actually starting to hurt, and I told him that in my head. Two, we were aware that Liam was in the car.
Soon, Liam pulls over, because Grandpa wants to check my wound, to make sure it's not too bad. After he does that, I get into the front seat. Jake pouts a bit, but eventually goes to sleep.
"Ness, now that you've experienced it more, will you tell me about imprinting?" Liam asks me. "Yes. It's like, you look at them, and the world stops. There's no such thing as gravity. It's the person holding you to the earth. They are the most beautiful, strongest, bravest, most perfect person in the world. You can't survive without them." I reply to him. He smiles. "Is that why he came with us then?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. "It's like, a gazillion times stronger for him than me. Because he imprinted. I didn't." I add. Then, I hear Jake's voice in my mind.
I love you way more than you love me.
I know Jake. I know. Did you sleep at all?
But Jake! We're going to be there tomorrow!
I'll sleep tonight.
I love you. I don't want to waste one single second without you.
You never have to, Jake.
Never? Not a single second ever?
That's a bit pushy Jake
It's what I want.
I can't promise we spend every second together, but I promise there will never be a second where I don't love you.
And always.
Liam, Jake and I spend the day playing games like hang man and twenty questions. When night falls, I get into the back with Jake, and slowly fall asleep to Jake whispering "I love you."
When I wake up in the morning, the first Thing I hear is Jake and Liam's voice. "You can't just eat my sister's face whenever you feel like it." I hear Liam say. "She is mine and I will do whatever I want." Jake says. I can practically hear Liam grinding his teeth. "She is not a possession, and you can't treat her like one! Right Ness?" He asks. He's right. "She's not even-" Jake starts, but I cut him off. There are actually tears in my eyes now, because I can't believe he thinks of me like that. "I am not a possession! You don't own me! I am a living, breathing, person!" I shout. Liam can see my face and pulls over, so I can climb into the front. Jake tries to apologize, but Liam butts in. "Stop! Can't you see you've upset her? She obviously doesn't want you smothering her anymore! Right Ness?" I nod. I lean against the window, and let my thoughts take me away. I'll forgive Jake. Soon too. I have to, I love him. And I know he doesn't like to see me upset. He's probably suffering. After an hour, I know that it's probably enough.
No Nessie. I thought it over, and I think I'm right on this one.
Jake? Really? You Think I'm a possession you can just own? What's next, selling me?
No. I act like this to protect you. Why can't you see that?
Jacob Black. I can't believe you would stoop so low as to treat me like I'm a thing you own. I am a person. For the last time!
I don't like it when you use my full name.
I shouldn't have to in the first place. I love you Jake. I do. But you need to know that I'm not like a shirt or a hat, or a basketball. I'm not owned.
"How long until we get there?" I ask Liam. "Half an hour." He answers. I sit there in silence, silent tears streaming down my face. Liam sees and wipes one away with his finger. He slings his arm around my shoulder. "Don't cry Ness. Don't worry, be happy!" He shouts, making me laugh.
Soon after that, we go down a long driveway. I recognize it as the Denali clan's. "Oh no!" I say. "What is it?" Liam asks. "Snow! I forgot my coat in my suitcase!" I say. Liam shrugs off his coat and holds it out towards me. "No! You get colder than I do. You wear it. The second I step out of the car, I trip. I land in snow and get soaked. I start shivering immediately.
Jake is by me in a second, lifting me up in his arms bridal style. There's only so much he can do while I'm in soaking clothes though. "Alice!" He yells. She eagerly runs over to us, smiling. But that stops when she sees me. "You are going to get sick. Jacob, carry her in here. Just like your mother. Yes, give her to me." Alice runs upstairs, trying to limit her contact with my skin. She changes my clothes, lays me in a bed, she puts a couple of quilts on me. "One second." She says. Within a minute Jake comes up. "You don't look too good Nessie." He says. "W-w-well fix it." I say, teeth chattering. He gets under the blankets and takes me into his arms.
"I'm sorry Nessie. You're right. You are not my possession. Forgive me please." Y-y-" I try to say yes, but I'm still too cold. "Shh Nessie. It's okay. You're lips look cold. Do you want me to warm those up too?" He asks. I roll my eyes. He must take that as a yes, because his lips smash to mine. They definitely warm up. His lips move to my neck, kissing it and taking in my scent. "I love you Jake." I manage to say. "I love you too." He murmers.

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