We all burst out laughing. "Sorry" Sam mocked in a high-pitched voice. Thomas' cheeks tinted with red. "Aww" Sam cooed as he poked Thomas' cheeks. "He's blushing!"

Thomas grunted and swatted his hands away. "I was joking by the way" I informed him, just to make it clear.

He sighed in relief. "I'm sorry. I know I'm really shitty at first impressions" he stated.

"Yeah" Sam agreed. "You just swore" he said while shaking his head in fake disappointment. Sam turned to me and sighed. "I wouldn't approve of him either, Milady"

I laughed as the guys snickered. But we all stopped when we heard a groan. Our heads snapped to Audrey who was slowly sitting up in her bed. I rushed to her side and helped her. "How are you feeling?" I asked softly.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Fine" she snapped. I felt a pang of hurt in my chest. "I would be better if you weren't here" she informed me coldly.

Ingrid whimpered as tears threatened to pour out of my eyes. "Audrey" I said softly. "I'm really sorry about your friends"

Audrey scoffed. "My friends?" she asked incredulously. "Your not sorry about- I don't know? Abandoning me? Or letting your mate kill my father? How about the fact that I had to watch my father get beheaded in front of me?"

Frowning, I attempted to grab one of her hands; but she pulled away from me. I sucked in a shaky breath and looked at the tears that streamed down her face. "Sweetheart" Audrey grunted at the nickname. "I never abandoned you. I swear it wasn't like that" I informed her.

"Yeah. Save your breath" she said. "They already told me the lies that you've been feeding everyone"

Lies? "I don't know what you're talking about" I stated.

Audrey turned to me with a glare. "Don't act all innocent, Your Highness" she hissed. She laughed, making herself look kinda crazy, honestly. "I bet you were a great actor. You probably played off the part of the broken mother really well. You may have all these fools tricked, but I know the truth" she said confidently.

I sighed. "Audrey, I didn't trick anyone. I didn't lie. I wasn't acting 18 years ago, and I'm not acting now" I said sternly.

She still looked like she didn't believe a word I said. I sat down in the seat by her bed and started my story. "There was a council-member that wanted me to have a powerful baby. He got help from witches and from Anthony Reynolds. I met Ant when I was looking for my mate. He knew that I was the Princess and he spread the word. It got him kicked out of his pack. This pack" I stated.

"He put a Royal in danger, and we couldn't accept that" Stewart said, backing me up. I have to thank him later.

Audrey stayed silent as I continued to talk. "We went to war with the council-member, rogues, and some other witches. I killed the council-member because he threatened my babies" I shuddered remembering the cold knife pressed against my stomach.

Stewart softly rubbed my back and finished the story for me. His pack helped us, so he already knew about everything. "Anthony wasn't at the war. No one noticed until it was too late. He waited for you guys to be born, then he took you four days later" he told Audrey.

I saw that she was having an internal battle with herself. If I was in her position, I would be too. She had a father, kinda. Anthony wasn't blood related, but all the witches said that he treated her well. If I was told that the man who raised me and loved me was my kidnapper; I would probably go crazy.

"I need time. To uh... think" she said slowly. I nodded in understanding and stood up.

Thomas looked like he wanted to stay with her. 'Maybe give her some time alone?' I suggested through the mind-link. Perks of being Queen. I can mind-link anyone. Thomas frowned, but left the room.

We all left the room, leaving Audrey to her thoughts.


I decided to just stay at Midnight territory. Gardenia was asleep in one of the guest rooms, and Audrey was still inside her hospital room. Those girls could sleep through a war. Hopefully they don't though.

I was sitting on the counter-top, helping myself to Hot Cheetos and Orange Fanta. Yes, they are still my favorite snacks. Everyone knows. When we have to visit packs, they have the pantry stocked with Hot Cheetos, and the fridge is stocked with Orange Fanta. "Make yourself at home" Stewart chuckled as he walked into the kitchen.

Smiling, I crunched on my chips. "I always do" I replied. He shook his head at me as he grabbed a pickle and started munching on it. "Are you pregnant?" I blurted. Stewart raised an eyebrow. "Pregnant women crave pickles sometimes" I mumbled.

Stewart laughed. "But I'm a man. I can't be pregnant" I shrugged and continued to eat my chips. "So how's Asher?" he asked, making small talk. I frowned at the mention of my mate. "Uh-oh. What happened?" Stewart inquired.

I sighed. "He's just not himself lately. He locked up kids for Christ's sake!" I said exasperated.

"He's just stressed out from all this stuff with Audrey. Sure, it doesn't excuse his actions; but you can't really expect him to be the same guy when his daughter called him a monster and rejected him as a father" he stated.

Nodding in understanding, I put my chips down. "I get that. But she does the same thing to me. She doesn't even call me by my name. She calls me-"

"The egg-donor" Stewart cut me off. "Look, this is hard on both of you. But taking it out on the people who raised Audrey, isn't making your relationship any better" he said softly.

I frowned. "I didn't take it out on them" I mumbled.

Stewart sighed before putting the pickles back into the fridge. "Not in her eyes. In Audrey's mind, you gave her away. You let your mate kill her father. You let the people in her group die. It's not just Asher's fault. She's not blaming one person. She thinks all the Royals are monsters. You guys just have to work together to prove her wrong" he left before I could respond.

I didn't think about it like that. 'We didn't even kill everyone though' my wolf commented. We killed the ones that fought us. Plus, we were the ones who started the war. 'But we did it to help her' Ingrid countered.

Frowning, I pushed my wolf to the back of my mind. Stewart is completely right. Audrey's hate is really justified. And I have a feeling that it's gonna take a lot of work to get her to even call us by our actual names. I guess I should start my plan to get her to trust us.

'Can you do me a favor?' I mind-linked David.

He immediately responded. 'Of course. Unless it involves Uncle Jacobs and Uncle Scott. I don't want to end up with orange hair again'

I laughed. Hope and I decided to prank Jacobs and Scott again; but we had David help us. So Jacobs and Scott got revenge on us by locking us in Henry's house. I swear, there was an unknown species living in that house. I mean, how can your house be that dirty? It's disgusting.

Anyway, Jacobs and Scott also got revenge on David, by dying his hair orange. And orange is really not his color.

After assuring David that I wasn't gonna make him take part in a prank, I started telling him my plan.


I feel like this chapter sucked. -_-

But I wanted to do Genevieve's POV!!

Anyways... my wifi hates me!!! It's on for like two minutes, then turns off for two hours.

Soooooo............. I don't know what else to put here.....

I plan on updating my other books in a few days; I still gotta finish the next chapters and stuff

Kayyyyzzzz Byeeezzzzz


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