The Bad Boy: 2

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POV: Ryan

I’m at the skate park practicing and waiting for Bobby. But I can't get Fiona MacFall out of my head. She thinks I'm mean? I'm not that mean, am I? I asked myself. "Hey move!" some kid yelled. "Move yourself!" I snapped. The boy looked scared. Okay, maybe I am a little mean. But Fiona MacFall said it. That girl who is a nerd, and a grade lower, and not to mention kind of cute. Oh what are you saying Ryan. "Hey. What you thinking about, bro?" my friend Bobby asked walking up. "Fiona MacFall." my mouth let out before I could stop it. "Who?" Bobby asked. I growled. "Why can't I stop thinking about that stupid nerd girl!" I yelled and threw my board. "Calm down. "Who is she?" he asked again. "Some girl I helped stand up in the hall today cause some dick knocked her over." I shrugged. "You asked me if I'm supposed to mean." I told him. He laughed out loud. "Oh shut up!" I spat at him. He wiped a tear from his eye. "Come to the mall with me. My mom’s birthday is tomorrow." he said. I shrugged. I followed his car to mall in my own. We split up because I didn't want to look at Girly mom shit. I wondered into the food court. I looked around and saw someone familiar at a table. It was none other than Fiona MacFall herself.


POV: Fiona

I pulled out my phone to find Leena calling me. "Hello?" I answered "I'm so sorry but my mom called me and made me go home!" "Ugh. Alright." I sighed hanging up. I began to stand. "Fiona MacFall." a voice that made goose bumps appear on my arms said. I turned to see Ryan Sanders Sitting at my table. "Um, I, uh..." I tried. "Pffft. Speechless as most girls are. Aren't you, nerd girl?" he laughed. "I'm not a nerd!" I told him. He just laughed more. "You don't seem like you have many friends." he said looking in my eyes. His were a brilliant blue. When I thought of mine they were a boring brown. I was taken aback. "I do too!" I replied. "You know. We should really hang out sometime, Fiona." he smirked. "R-really?" I stuttered. He laughed again. His laugh was deep and husky and made me mesmerized. "Yeah. I mean unless, you don't want to." he said. "Well, I guess we can." I said quietly. A big guy walked over to us. "Ryan. I'm leaving. Mom is in the hospital with little bro." he said. He looked at me and pointed. "Fiona MacFall." Ryan smirked to the guy. "I'm Bobby, Ryan's friends. He couldn't stop thinking about you earlier." he smiled. "Dammit, Bobby!" Ryan yelled. I flinched because he slammed his fist on the table. "I got to go, too." I said standing. Ryan turned towards me quickly. "What? Why?" he said sounding worried. "I mean, why?" he said more calmly. "I don't know. I just..." I trailed off. Bobby had just left and walked away. "Bye, Ryan." I said grabbing my bag. He stood quickly. "How are you getting home?" he asked. "Walking." I sighed. Unfortunately I couldn't drive. "Let me drive you." he said. I shook my head. "Oh come on. We're friends now, Fiona, right?" he smirked. I nodded slowly. "Good. Now come let me take you home." he said walking away. I ran after him. "Really?" I asked. "Yes. Now come on." he flashed me a cocky grin.

 ~•~ POV: Ryan

 We were driving in my car. I glanced at her. He hands were folded nicely in her lap. Why does she look so awkward? Scratch that. Cute. The sun made her hair looked golden like a field of wheat. What? Ryan stop! I told myself. "So, where do you live?" I asked. She jumped slightly. "Over on 45th and holly." she said. "No way. I live on 46th and holly." I said. Why was I do excited to be near her? "Cool." was all she said. I pulled up in front of her house. "Thank you, Ryan." she said. "Wait." I said as she opened the door. She stopped and turned around. "How do you get to school?" I said calmly. "Walk." she said. "That's like three miles." I exclaimed. She nodded. "I get up early." she said. "Whatever. I'll be here at 7 tomorrow morning." I told her. "W-what?" she stuttered. I rolled my eyes. "I'm taking you to school from now on. Your house is on my way to school do why not pick you up. So 7, be ready." I told her. She Nodded quickly and hoped out. "Bye, Fiona." I said smirking. She waved as I drive away. Why is she just so irresistible to me? Irresistible? What's wrong with you! Your Ryan Sanders for god sakes!


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