chapter 29- hanging with the hockeyheads

Start from the beginning

"Brayden, if you don't shut up, I will punch you." I mumbled into the couch.

"It's been two months, justbkiss each other already-" but Brayden was cut short of his sentence by my fist coming in contact with his gut. I heard Ryan laugh as Brayden groaned and fell to the floor in a heap. "Holy shit, she can punch." He weazed from his new spot on the floor. I looked up to see Ryan laughing while holding up his phone. That traitor was video tapping the whole thing. I was brought out of my anger by Mitch.

"Good morning." He said in a low raspy voice. I smiled, he always sounded so different in the morning. Mitch smiled back, and I noticed how close our faces were. Our noses were practically touching and I looked away from his eyes. My eyes fell on his hair instead, I let out a laugh when I saw that his long shaggy hair was now sticking up in every possible direction.

"Nice hair." I chuckled as I tried to help him smooth it down.

"Thanks, I thought you would like it." He laughed as he sat up on the couch. I followed suit and sat up as well, taking the opposite side of the couch.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" I directed the question to Ryan since Brayden was still on the ground cluchuing his stomach and whispering profanities at me from under his breath.

"Mitch texted us last night telling us to come over. I guess we were a little early." He stopped and gave Mitch and I a seggestive look. "Sorry that we interrupted-" he stopped talking when I made my name into a fist and stood up. "No! I'm sorry! Don't punch me, punch Brayden instead!" He cowered and held his hands up in front of him to protect himself.

"No thanks, I'm good." Brayden groaned as he stood up slowly, using the couch to help him up. He was breathing normally now and he didn't look so in pain like he did earlier. "You know, if YouTube doesn't work out, have you ever thought about being a MMA fighter or something?"

"Brayden, I'm the youngest in a family of all boys. You learn how to throw a punch." I rolled my eyes as I plopped back down on the couch, I grabbed my glasses from the coffee table where Mitch set them last night. "So what are we doing today?" I asked as I cleaned my glasses on my shirt.

"We can just drive around and then choose from there?" Ryan suggested. We all agreed and Mitch and I walked upstairs to change. As we climbed the stairs together and approached the end of the hallway where our rooms are, Mitch turned to me.

"Sorry about them. I know it bothers you when they say that stuff." Mitch rubbed the back on his neck awkwardly.

"Mitch, I told you, it's not your fault. It's not like you do that stuff on purpose." I laughed awkwardly. Mitch started laughing too, but his sounded forced for some reason.

"Ha, yeah..." Mitch spoke quietly and looked at one of the picture frames on the wall instead of looking at me. "So we should probably change."

"Oh, yeah. See you in a bit." I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door and sighed. Things were getting weird with Mitch. It was like he was the one person I could actually talk too and he would listen to me. But then again, at other times, it seemed like we couldn't get through a conversation without stuttering. What was going on? Mitch kjept running through my mind as I brushed my hair and teeth and got changed.

I walked down the stairs, one converse on my left foot, the other in my hand and saw Mitch talking to Brayden and Ryan. I sat down on the bottom stair so I could get my shoe on without falling.

"Ready?" Ryan asked as I finished tying the laces. I nodded and followed them to the door. Ryan was driving again, so we walked to his car. Well, the rest of us walked to the car, Brayden however sprinted in front of us to the car.

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