Lets start.

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"Well today was alright, had to go with family to a little dinner but everything else was fine". "Emily, come down stairs! Now!" Her mom scolded. "Mother I am in the middle of something!"  "Not anymore you're not! Can you explain this! This is fucking ridiculous Emily! I'm tired of having to clean up after you every damn day" Emily's mother pointed at the table "you're mess, not mine, clean it up" she yelled as she rolled her eyes at Emily. Emily cleaned up her mess as quickly as possible and ran upstairs. "Finally I can go" she grabbed her necklace with a key charm of blue that her aunt gave her and then grabbed her ouji board. "Hey, I am on my way, that abandoned house on the left, kaltine road right?" "Right! See ya!" "Bye" Emily said back to her sister Katrina on the phone. "So how many people are coming to the meet?" "7 plus you" Emily said back to her older brother drake. "Nice" he said with a tone as he turns into the drive way of the old abandoned building.Emily smirked an looked at her brother. "stuff is gettin' real." They both walked out of the car an went inside the building.

It all started with the note.Where stories live. Discover now