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"I don't understand, if Jason didn't do it than who is he doing it for?" I panicked and the officer came over.

"Ma'am do you have anyone that might want to hurt you or that had hurt you?" He said sitting in front of me.

"Well I had problems with Bethany but it was only because I was with Jack and we're finished arguing but I can't think of anyone" I said, going through people in my head trying to figure out who and why they would do this.

"Well where's your dad you think he can come pick you up for tonight while I check out this case" he sighed as I shook my head.

"My father's in a federal prison" I said lowly as he stayed quiet.

"Oh I'm sorry" he trailed.

"Just for the sake of the case do you mind me asking why?" He asked.
"For molestation charges, he was prosecuted for molesting me" I said not making eye contact with him.

"There's your lead" he pointed out.

"No that's not possible, my father has been in jail since I was 8. He got sentenced 15 to 20 years" I informed him.

"Yeah but we've had a few people escaping these past few years" he paused.

"look, go somewhere safe and stay out of sight I think your father might be our guy" He said as my stomach felt queezy.

I've feared my father for the rest of my life after what he did. He used to be a hero in my eyes. He was invincible, he kept me happy he was the reason I was able to venture out and be myself, but he was also the reason it all stopped.

My mother tried to give me a new life but just made it worse.

I don't know what is real or what to believe anymore.

I called a cab and went home. There was so much on my mind.

"What was the real reason you stayed around my whole life pretending to be my foster mom?" I said to my mom walking in the house.

"What?" she chuckled.
"You heard me, answer the fucking question" I said in a serious tone

"Watch your mouth" she said but looked sympathetic.

"Tell me!" I yelled as she closed her eyes and sighed under her breath.

"I did it to keep you safe" she said over me.

"Before your dad left he promised he'd be back for you know matter the cost, and I wasn't having it" she said.

"I was never into drugs or anything, since your birth he's been trying to take you away from me and basically framed me. I got sent to jail for 8 years and adopted you when you were eight. I changed my name to keep you away from him. I seen what toll it had on you when we would visit you before we took you in" she explained.

"I know I should've told you but I was and still am afraid something gonna happen. You may be done with your past Chloé, but your past is not done with you"

"So your father, your hero is out to get you and I am here to protect you. Whether you hate me or love me. It's my job as a mother to keep you out of harms way" she said as I walked over to her.

"I-I love you" I said pulling her into a hug.

"I love you too" she said holding me tightly.

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