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I walked into school, my head held down once more.
The loud murmurs of the sleepy teenagers filled my ears.
I kept walking, when I bumped into someone.
I looked up to see Jack peering down at me.
'He'll get in your head' My consious reminded me of what Sammy told me yesterday.
I walked passed him trying to rush to class.
"Are you trying to ignore me?" He said as he grabbed my arm lightly.
I turned around and he looked kind of hurt.
"Look I'm sorry about yesterday ok. Sam and Nate get around a lot and they can spread hurtful rumors"
Oh really, thats exactly what Sam said about you, I thought.
"It's not like we were doing anything for them to talk about" I said and rolled my eyes.
"They'll make it up" he said hesitantly.
"Jack its-
"Babe come on" Bethany said interrupting us.
"Give me a sec" he said to her as her attention turned to me.
"Just so you can talk to this?" She scoffed in disgust.
"Bethany" he warned.
She rolled her eyes and left.
"You have a girlfriend?" I asked as I started to feel weird.
"Not really"
"Its a yes or no question Jack" I said to him.
'He'll lie to you just to make you feel good'
I thought of what Sam told me.
"Can you leave me alone? I mean you've never talked to me before yesterday, lets keep it that way" I said lowly as I started to walk away.
Its now lunch time and I'm recieving text from an unknown number.
* can we just talk?*
*Chloe pls*
I figured it was Jack after a while.
"Hey Chloe" Bethany said as her and her group of wanna bes' stood behind me.
"Look, what ever you think you have going on with Jack needs to stop. This could end easy or go down hard. I can end you with a snap of my fingers remember that" She said bumping into my shoulder roughly.
I said nothing to her, shes not gettig the best of me.
"Chloe, are you okay" Someone said.
I looked up to see Sam.
"Yeah, thanks" I said as he smiled.
"Come sit with me" he said nodding his head at a table where no one was.
I followed him to the table sitting acrosss from him.
"Has he tried talking to you?" Sam said. I knew exactly who he was reffering to.
"Yes, I've pushed him away. I didn't know he had a girlfriend" I said as Sam chuckled.
"He doesn't he only uses them for his manly purposes" he said using air quotes.
"Bethany, just won't except that they were only a one night stand thing you know" he added.
"Oh" I said fumbling with my hands.
I looked around and noticed Jack looking at me and Sammy.
His jaw clenched, and his fist balled. His eyes were piercing into mine.
Then out of no where he sends me a small smirk and walks away.
School, is over and I'm texting Sam on my way home.
He's actually a good friend.
*Who customized your room that shit is cool asf lol* he texted.
My dad actually made that when I was younger, before he started to m- nevermind.
*My mom lol its actually just the attic with lots of covers amd pillows not that great sam*
*Im sleeping over one day i swear but i gotta go i have basketball practice see you later chlo;) *
I smiled at the text and locked my phone.
I took the long way home, I like being in silence only having the sound of nature to sooth me.
My phone went off interrupting me.
I thought it was Sam so I quickly answered.
"Sam are you still trying to spend the night" I laughed but it slowly died down when no one answered.
"Why is Sam spending the night at your house?" he asked raising his voice.
"He's not it was a joke"
"Chloe'" he sighed.
"Can I talk to you in person?" he asked.
I stayed quiet.
"Please chlo, I need to talk to you baby" he said in a low husky voice.
"Jack.. I don't know" I replied.
"Please it'll be quick"
"Where at?" I said.
"I'll go to you" he said eagerly.
"Fine" I said hanging up.
I texted him my address.

Anxiously, I waited outside for him to arrive.
I was on my phone, when the familiar jeep pulled up.
I heard the engine turn off and Jack got out.
"I'm sorry" he said coming up to me.
"You're a liar" I said back, before I could think.
"No, I'm not. I never lied to you, all that shit Sam is telling you is not, all the way true" he breathed out a sigh.
"Just let me explain" he said giving me a hug.
Although, I was mad at him I wrapped my arms around his tall structure embracing him into the hug.

We sat in his jeep as he begsn to talk.
"Ok so, yes Bethany and I used to have a thing, more of a hook up type. I never really cared for her" he spoke.

That only made him seem worse. God what have I got into.
"I'm sorry I didn't want to speak about you to Nate and Sam, it's just I know you're shy and stuff so I didn't want you to go through the awkward stage of meeting them" He explained.

"Is Sam your friend?" I asked.
They seem to be at eachothers throats all the time.
"Not really, he's more of Nate's friend than mine" he said.
"But do you forgive me? Look I'm sorry ok babe" He said looking sincere.
I nodded.
"Thank you babygirl" he made my stomach roar. What is he doing to me?

"Jack?" I asked
He looked up at me.
"Why do you want to talk to me? I mean Bethany is way prettier and you can do better than me" I said with my head down.

"Don't ever compare yourself to someone as low as Bethany, you are way better than her. Looks wise, personality wise everything. I don't want anyone else Chlo" he said.
I smiled as I got gave him a hug.
I pulled back and he was looking into my eyes, as he smiled like he was almost in awe.
He tilted my head up with his finger, he brought my face closer to his.
My heart raced, as my stomach went crazy.

He leaned in and I moved away.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This just never happened to me and-

"No ones ever kissed you?" he asked surprised.
"No" I replied embarassed.
"So you're a virgin?"
I nodded and he smiled.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of, most of these girls at school aren't which is pretty sad" he chuckled as I smiled.
"You can go as slow as you want with me okay?" he said kissing my forehead.
"Thank you" I smiled.
I don't know what Sam was talking about.
Jack seems like a really nice guy.

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