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The next morning, after I had left Jack's place I headed to school.
I feel like I'm still gonna get talked about.
Sighing, I fixed my shirt and boldy walked into school.
My confidence didn't last long though, before I knew it my head was hung low and I looked away from everyone.
I got to my locker, picking up my books and going to first period.
I took my seat, taking out my books and paper.
Today we had a substitute, Mr. Hyden.
He was a young sub, around his late twenties.
He gave simple, laid back instructions and let us pretty much, sit wherever.
So, me being me I took my book out and began to read.
Reading this, made me realize how lucky I am but still how bad my life is.
The fairytale ending is all a teenage girl ever wants.
To fall in love with a boy who truly loves her, to have him sweep her off her feet.
Sadly, its the total opposite. No more love or compassion.
No more, sincerity. Just insecurities.

I had my head dug into my book when someone knocked on my table.
"You mind if I sit?" Sam said.
Sam, I hadn't talked to him since the day I told him we couldn't be friends.
I was wrong for that.
"Look," he started "I'm sorry the way things went with us. I just wanna be your friend" he said looking up at me in my eyes.
"No it was my fault, I shouldn't have reacted that way Sam" I said lowly.
"I judged you without giving you a chance. I mean I gave Jack a second chance why not you" I said the last of it just falling off my tongue.
"What?" he asked looking confused.
"I-I-m its not that complic-"
He hushed me. "Wait so your saying, you forgave him before me?" he said his voice getting a little more firm.
"Why?" he asked without awaiting my answer.
"He came to my house and tried to explain his self but it got bad" I said afraid.
"He went to your house?"
"Why are you so trusting with him? He's not all that he seems Chlo" he said.
"I've told you this"
"I know" I replied.
"I can't change your desicion but I can help you" he said.
"Sit with me at lunch?" he asked grabbing my hand noticing my sudden absence in mind.
"O-ok" I said.
As he smiled.
"You don't ever have to fear me leaving you. I feel like you've been mistreated enough, why not have a friend who won't" he said.
I looked at him, he was smiling down at me. And it all felt, legit.
Like he really meant what he said. I felt like I could come to him for anything.
"Thank you" I said as he nodded.
After, six period we had our lunch period.
I sat at the circle table under the tree waiting for Sam.
"Haven't seen you all day" Jack said sitting next to me.
I looked up at him as he began to speak again.
"Where have you been?"
"In my classes" I said nibbling on a piece of the fries I had.
"Missed you" he said rubbing my head and walking off.
Well, that made me feel uncomfortable.
Then he just rubbs my head like I'm some sort of dog.
I sat there wondering why he said he missed me and where have a been and he has me most of my classes.
"Sorry I'm late" Sam said setting his linch down next to mine and smiled while taking one of my fries.
Over the lunch period I talked to him about it. He didn't seem bothered or mad about it.
"Maybe he's just scared you know?" Sam suggested as we walked to a near by park.
"Scared? Him? Oh come on Sam, I'm more than sure he's not scared" I said to him.
A few seconds of silence trailed by.
"Hey, um I wanted to say sorry about the other day. I was supposed to stay with you at the party. I should of told you I was getting you a drink" he said apologizing.
I always do this, all he was doing was getting me a drink.
"I'm sorry, I should've waited for you" I said as he bit his lip.
"No, its my fault" he said.
"Knowing you didn't know anyone either. I'm sorry" he said.
But I was distracted by the text from my phone.
*babe we have to do that project today*
*can we do it another day please*
I texted Jack back.
"Everything good?" Sam asked noticing the change of emotion on my face.
"Yeah" I said empty, without emotion.
*You dont have any plans do you? bc we have to do this today i dont have time tomorrow*
he said.
Sighing I looked at Sam.
"I gotta go Sam" I said.
"Why?" he said pouting.
"Jack texted me and he said we have to do the project today because he has no time tomorrow" I said softly.
His jaw clenched and his emotion changed.
"I'm sorry" I muttered.
"Its ok it ok" he said as if he were mad.
"Same place tomorrow Sam?" I said to him waiting for his milliin dollar smile.
"Same place tomorrow" he smiled as I walked off towards Jack's place.
Taking my time I walked to Jack's house.
I stood at his door step knocking on his door and a lady answered.
"Oh Hi! You must be the girl Jack was talking about. I'm Katherine" she said reaching her arms out for a hug.
Awkwardly, I hugged her back. I wasn't expecting that on the first meet and greet.
"I'm Chloe' " I said just loud enough to understand.
"Jack should be in his room. You can just go on up" she smiled as I walked up the stairs.
His mother is so nice. He must have his dads qualities.
I nodded and walked up the stairs, looking at the pictures along the walls I had already seen.
Slowly, I knocked on his door.
"Come in!" he said as I walked in.
"Hey" he smiled standing up to give me a hug.
"Hi" I said back, looking away from him.
He lifted my chin up and kissed me. A soft quick kiss. It felt meaningless, not to me but like he didn't care.
"I have the notes we need to print out and the other things" I said to him as he nodded.
"So do I"
The day grew boring and I had nothing to talk about with him.
Even the project wasn't helping.
"Come here" he said.
I got up and walked over to him by his bed.
"You can sit down" he chuckled.
Nervously, I sat down and looked at him.
"Can I try something?" he asked as I looked questioningly at him.
"Please" he begged "Its nothing bad"
"O-ok" I hesitated "What is it?" I asked.
"Just trust me" he said moving closer to me.
His mouth went to my neck as he bit and sucked on my neck.
My body heated and my heart beat rose.
His parents are downstairs, is this leading to sex?
My chest moved up and down heavily.
"Jack.." I trailed
"Hmm?" he said throughout kissing my neck.
"What are you doing?"
"I can't do it" I said.
"I'm not gonna have sex with you Chloe'. Just wait" he said moving down my neck to the upper part of my chest.
He sucked heavy on that area.
I breathed heavy and his hands roamed around my thighs.
"There" he whispered in my ear, his breath igniting my skin.
I got up and looked in the mirror in the bathroom.
"You gave me a hickey" I hissed
"I know" he smirked.
"Why?" I asked.
"So they know your mine"

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