Chapter 8: The Crew's POV

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(Kanan pov)

"Where are they?" I pace the cockpit frantically. Hera sits in the pilot's seat, anxious. "They're a day late!"
"I know love, I have some bad news. I just checked the HoloNet. This is the top story." Hera hits play and we watch as a picture of Ezra and Jessie on the marketplace flashes on screen, but they are also with a bright red-haired girl.
"The Insurgents Ezra Bridger and Jessie Lovt have been taken into Imperial custody. Keep a look out for ex-Imperial cadet Arianna Kallus, who is on the run." A picture of the redhead flashes on screen. "If you see her or any of the other rebels, contact the Imperials right away!" The HoloNet broadcast ends then and Hera and I turn to each other wide-eyed.
"Call the others," I say quietly. "We have a rescue mission to plan. But first, we need to find this Arianna. And by the looks of her and the sound of her name, I'm guessing that Agent Kallus will be looking for her too. We need to move. And fast."

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