Chapter 2: In The Market

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(Ezra pov)

I grab Jessie's hand and pull her over to a stall in the corner of the marketplace. The human vendor grins at me from his perch on a stool.
"Ezra Bridger! It's been a while. Where have you been?"
"Here and there, Shadow," I reply. "No where of your concern."
He chuckles. "Clearly somewhere. What can I do for you, my young friend?"
"Fuel," I tell him. "You still owe me from that last job." I notice that Jessie is keeping her head down and her cloak pulled up, hood over her blonde head.
The vendor, code-named Shadow, smiles. "Ah, yes. The yojans you managed to grab from the Imperial goons. Here you go." He hands me a canister of fuel and I let go-rather reluctantly-of Jessie's hand. Shadow
looks behind me and sees the hooded Jessie.
"Well, who's your friend, Bridger?" He reaches over the top of the stall counter and pulls her hood off of her head.
His mouth drops open. Jessie gasps and pulls away.
"How are you still alive?" Shadow asks her, anger on his face. He shakes his head at Jessie's stunned face. "Hardly matters now." He pulls out a blaster and aims it at her heart.
"Wait!" I step in front of Jessie-and the blaster. "Clearly there must be a mistake."
Shadow shakes his head again and levels the blaster-this time at me. "She's a traitor," he snarls, waving the blaster for emphasis. "She stole from me! I sent bounty hunters after her, all across Lothal. The best in the galaxy! And yet they all come back empty-handed."
"Bounty hunters can't outsmart a fellow bounty hunter," Jessie retorts. "I may be young, but I'm too smart for them."
Shadow glares at her and turns to me. "Hand her over, Bridger," he demands, fire in his brown eyes. "How many times have I helped you out? Given you a place to stay? Food to eat?"
"I'm grateful. But I'm not giving her to you," I reply.
"Then you will both die," Shadow replies back. There is genuine regret in his eyes and in his voice when he says, "Goodbye, Ezra."
I close my eyes and hear the blaster fire, and Jessie scream.

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